Refund Request: FailRaid.

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your in-game name: David Lorn
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48551530
Reason: Why should you should be refunded (What happened in the situation) The members of The Virtuous and I were basing in Parker, when Steve Cockerel/Janssoni gets warranted for 'harboring suspects', despite the fact that no actual inquiry was done into that case.

First, it is extremely unrealistic to get a warrant without inquiry or solid evidence, their claim that we were harboring suspects was completely bogus, since no one in the building was wanted. It is also extremely unrealistic to get a search warrant with SWAT on scene. In real life, warrants take time, and should be done of off the suspect premises. They also did not announce their presence, and they didn't give us a chance to come out unarmed to be arrested. They just broke down the doors and stacked up. -I edited the post after reviewing the demo and seeing that SWAT were not on premises when the lieutenant made the warrant. -

As you can see in the video supplied from Janssoni's ban request, I was using a benelli shotgun, I was also growing 2 big pots of cocaine. I died in the raid, so I lost them, and I would like them back, possibly alongside a box of shotgun ammo, since I used about that much in the raid.
Evidence: Here is the Ban Request from Janssoni that should have all the proof I need: as well as a demo, I can't play it, so all i can say for a tick is that it is near the end, around the last 10 minutes: 16-45-09.dem?dl=0
Tick: N/A.
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You would have been better waiting until the Ban request for this raid is accepted...
Accepted, contact a Senior Admin+ the next time you're in-game for your refund.
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