Refund request famas - cdm

  • Thread starter Thread starter Garrett Woodfield
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Garrett Woodfield

Your in-game name: Garrett Woodfield

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:71196251

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because i was cdmed while in a gunfire with a cop, which i am pretty sure id of won, already got one out of two cops killed + got 2 boxes of ammo, wouldnt have lost. I dont want the guy that hit me banned as it was an accident, but i still lost a famas with a mag with 10 bullets.


Tick: Just around 5000 ticks before the end. (I believe thats around 55.000)
First of all, i was a witness of this situation, i believe you were ran over by @Saltguy or Chris. It didn't look like a gunfight and you also were ran over by accident. I picked up your FAMAS. It wasn't CDM at all it was just an accident and accidents happen in real life. Since you don't understand what CDM and the rules are, here's two links for you:

I believe this can now be closed.

'CDM' is an Acronym for 'Car Deathmatch' not 'Random Car Deathmatch' and therefore this situation is/should have been dealt with In-Character. Had your death been the result of a rule infringement this refund request may have had a different outcome but as there were no rules broken this will be denied.
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