Refund Request, fire does not go through walls.

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Reaction score

Your in-game name:

Zack Robberts

Steam ID:

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
During a situation of which Joe Butcher and others were trying to bomb a shop a bit down the road. They set an explosion off inside the other person's shop. As a result of this, Garry's Mod physics decided to fuck me over and the fire traveled through the walls and caught fire to my shop. This resulted in a majority of my props being destroyed and drugs were lost.

Here is a list of what I lost:
  • 1 thin barricade
  • 1 thick barricade
  • 1 wooden fence
  • 1 half wooden fence
  • 1 wooden board
  • Cocaine pot ($6000)
  • Marijuana pots ($12,000)
All of the following came to a total of around $20,000 to $22,000 lost.

Youtube video:
The end result:

(A demo will be provided if completely necessary).


Additional Notes:
  1. This is the second incident in two days which has caused me to lose a lot of money.
  2. People ask how I get decent quality videos for free, use 'Open Broadcast Software', it is like FRAPS but better and free.
  3. I believe @Hazza56 and others can confirm this happened.
Thankyou for reading,
So we were burning down the shop next to Zack Robberts and the fire went through the wall. Hes stuff got burned down. The fire shouldnt go through the wall at the start. I do agree that zack should get refunded for hes props
Last time a guy had done meth in slums 4 and we were in slums 3, the meth exploded and there was a big fire. The fire went through the floor, and burned all of my props..
Also it is unrealistic.
Fire would burn down walls as @Rogue Car Tyres said, wallpaper is flammable and the beams holding walls up are wooden. Obviously the devs can't implement a wall falling down into Garrys Mod so instead the fire would just travel through.

It sounded like a lot of violent explosions, if that had happened irl it would have probably blown your wall down. The fire going through walls simulates that well imo.
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