Your in-game name: Jones Brown
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60133867
What do you need refunded: My stuff: 2 large Cocain Plants and 2 large Ganja plants- Matt lost the same amount of drugs. :chrissy:
Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
We've been raided, when the police officer arrived alone, he immediately ran into my property and checked every room for no apparent reason, I screamed that I own the property and that hes not allowed to enter. He ignored everything besides searching the house for drugs, when he entered the property he pressed the panic button immediately what caused SWAT to come, they started to raid my property which caused me to lose my drugs and Matt's as well.
Tick: Around 1000.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60133867
What do you need refunded: My stuff: 2 large Cocain Plants and 2 large Ganja plants- Matt lost the same amount of drugs. :chrissy:
Why do you want your item(s) refunded:
We've been raided, when the police officer arrived alone, he immediately ran into my property and checked every room for no apparent reason, I screamed that I own the property and that hes not allowed to enter. He ignored everything besides searching the house for drugs, when he entered the property he pressed the panic button immediately what caused SWAT to come, they started to raid my property which caused me to lose my drugs and Matt's as well.

Tick: Around 1000.