Refund request

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Reaction score
Your in-game name: Julie Davidson

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56233091

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: It started out with me returning to my base at Projex 3, i noticed it was getting raided and i knew i had drugs inside. I went up in an attempt to spot who was inside, upon getting inside the only human being inside was the LT. [There were barricades but i will upload a demo so you can see it, within the next 6 hours] He ordered me down after gunpointing me with his pistol, i quickly crouch around the corner [because i could and because i had a suppressed Beretta on me] I ran down to apartment 2 and sat in the corner listening after any vital sounds from the "backup" i heard the LT shouting for, i then heard "we're coming up" So i ran inside apartment 2 and noticed someone with an MP5. More powerful weapon than i had, i got my Beretta out into attack stance and followed him out. The LT got killed on the spot, his final words were "and you" i ran inside my apartment and towards the storage chest to grab my shotgun [I put nothing in the chest either] I then heard a S.W.A.T. Officer screaming for a medic, i them immediately ran out to gun him down because of "I'm gonna die soon" Which means an easy kill. I got a hit on a second S.W.A.T. Officer in which if i followed down would have killed but i noticed the medic and ran upstairs again to defend. The >medic< [breaking 3.4 and 4.7 by reviving that S.W.A.T. Officer i shot down] which ran upstairs as if nothing had happened and started reviving people in the middle of gunfire. I eventually had to run upstairs to #4 to seek cover, got inside then the medic started reviving the LT. I was forced inside #4 due to the S.W.A.T. Officer that was revived and started rushing up the apartments. This is where the sniper killed me. In #3 i had a barricade preventing them from seeing in therefore it wouldn't have died.

Items lost:
Suppressed Beretta [Fully loaded] x1
Benelli [Fully loaded (after reloading)] x1
Coke plant [Big] x2 [10 Coke and 2 Big pots]
Weed plant [Big] x1 [5 Weed and 1 Big pot]


Tick: 35000 [!aVQ20TSb!HHNo8rJnXvhutxtpkArLxw_P5uLam-DW0VWLMONjFVw]
[DOUBLEPOST=1435516619,1435516573][/DOUBLEPOST]I will update the thread with the rest shortly [ID and demo]
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Hey @Exnem if you could just clear some stuff up for me that'd be great, if the SWAT sniper was positioned outside the apartment then how was your death a direct result of a rule infringement? You left the complex to go outside on your own accord which then resulted in your death and the loss of weaponry.
It did, i was forced to go into the top apartment where the sniper had a clear shot, the guy that was just revived [Medic breaking 4.7] forced me up stairs since the swat barged upstairs to get me. If the medic wasn't there i would have followed that swat officer and killed him, i already got a clear shot on his head, the 1-2 next ones would be very fatal and he most likely would be dead.

[Didn't fit in a comment by -91 letters]
I'm not sure if you lost the pots, because me and Viktor came and we killed all the cop force.
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