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Your in-game name: Miyashiro Katamari

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48889607

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was being raided, I killed the 2 raiders using my suppressed beretta, then picked up the ak from 1 raider so I can keep it but the cops shot me (they didnt see I took the ak). After I got revived they let me go cause they knew I was in the appartment being raided but they already confiscated the weapons. (I dont know if in this case it breaks 4.14)
I want an ak with 14 bullets (I think it had that many left) and a suppressed beretta full.


Tick: 61500 when I shoot the raiders and take the ak
62000 when I get shot by a cop
64000 when I get revived and learn that they took the weapons
Technically the AK was stolen, so it would be hard to get it back, as the raiders should have a weapon with them, right? Allthough, your Silenced Beretta would be completely legal, unless you attacked the cops.
(Once again not able to view the demo because I'm not at home, but I'll go ahead and post this for now)

Unless the police saw you take the weapon, you aimed a weapon at them, or the two you killed had no weapons, they had no reason to shoot or confiscate anything.
As according to rule 4.14, police were not allowed to confiscate the weapons you carried, as they were used in self defense - At least the Beretta. However, as they never saw you pick the AK, that would've been considered as being used in self defense as well. If the police first knew you had been protecting your apartment after you died, that means they also had not properly investigated and secured the scene, which once again is against rule 4.14.

All in all, the Beretta and AK should be refunded, unless police actually knew that the AK was used by the attackers.

Contact senior administration in-game to receive your items.
If you could remember the officer's names, then PM them, I'll speak to them regarding that.
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