Javichu Messages 35 Reaction score 13 Points 155 Nov 17, 2021 #1 Suggestion Title: Remove bullets off magazines Suggestion Description: The ability of taking bullets out of magazines into an ammo box Why should this be added?: - Useful, realistic. What negatives could this have?: - N/A Upvote 2 Downvote
Suggestion Title: Remove bullets off magazines Suggestion Description: The ability of taking bullets out of magazines into an ammo box Why should this be added?: - Useful, realistic. What negatives could this have?: - N/A
curak Messages 1,610 Reaction score 1,757 Points 1,080 Location Belgium Nov 17, 2021 #2 has been suggested and denied before. https://perpheads.com/threads/unloading-bullets-from-magazines.45084/ also similar to a current another open suggestion: https://perpheads.com/threads/transferring-bullets-from-magazines-to-magazine.46413/
has been suggested and denied before. https://perpheads.com/threads/unloading-bullets-from-magazines.45084/ also similar to a current another open suggestion: https://perpheads.com/threads/transferring-bullets-from-magazines-to-magazine.46413/