Server Suggestion Remove FF dieing penalty.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Suggestion Title: Remove FF dieing penalty.
Suggestion Description: After being shot at for no reason trying to escape a shootout and dieing I found this dumb penalty exists. It should be immedietly removed as it has no reason to exist and doesnt make sense.

Dieing should not be a punishment because people will shoot you no matter what, you are basically giving us an rng loss. A flanker suddenly appearing and killing you is a punishment but you did nothing wrong, The scene was secure but something out of your control changed that and you're punished for it.

Why should this be added?:
- That is about 2% loss at senior. This will make the already super difficult fire fighter levels be not as annoying.
- Reduces the annoyance of bad FF XP gain.
- Doesnt make sense. Why is dieing a punishment? People shoot at you randomly.

What negatives could this have?:
- Possibly could encourage people to go nearer shootouts but guess what, we have rule 3.4 for a reason.
maybe dont turn up to a shootout and instead go to the fires
I was going to a roadcrew being unconscious no other incidents or gunshots or anything and then suddenly people were shooting at me.

You cant avoid incidents all the time sometimes they are involving you out of your control. I can be putting out a fire and suddenly im shot at, i can be staging far out of the gunzone and be shot at.

Also we are given the ability to do medical so we go to med calls. We should not be punished for doing our job.
maybe dont turn up to a shootout and instead go to the fires
I lost 250 Experience today when I tried defending a cop near me I was healing, 7 left clicks to the head, I die, gg.

I get it's supposed to penalize Firefighters combat reviving near shootouts but there should be a pardon check to see if the person near you dealt any damage to you recently which would also help combat random people having fist fights with you.
If you feel like you wrongfully killed report through F6 or forums, only a few people can give you that XP back. If it gets accepted make a comp request

In no circumstance should firefighters and medics should walk into an active shootout, You are risking your life to heal on officer (Which slows him and you down making both of you vulnerable). If a police officer needs healing they will bandage themselves and drive to hospital / Fire Department. If an officer tells a medic / firefighter to come in mid gunfight to heal them you have a right to deny that order as it will possibly get you killed.
If you feel like you wrongfully killed report through F6 or forums, only a few people can give you that XP back. If it gets accepted make a comp request

In no circumstance should firefighters and medics should walk into an active shootout, You are risking your life to heal on officer (Which slows him and you down making both of you vulnerable). If a police officer needs healing they will bandage themselves and drive to hospital / Fire Department. If an officer tells a medic / firefighter to come in mid gunfight to heal them you have a right to deny that order as it will possibly get you killed.
What part of we're not going to active shootouts do people not understand. We are going into CLEARED shootouts that then flankers show up out of nowhere. We are being safe and things are out of our control and we're being punished for it.

Let’s put it simple, creepis lost xp trying to kill someone with a gun with a fire axe and failing. 9/10 cases are entirely avoidable by good communication. If you are shot after a raid ended and was cleared then that could simply be a rulebreak which can be punished.
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