Remove the ability to run with heavy weaponary such as AK47's

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Topic: Remove the ability to run with heavy weapons such as assault rifles. AKA: AK47's etc.
Short explanation (in notes):

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I mean, who has ever done that? Seriously. Tossing around an AK47 whilst running at full speed like it's a fucking feather, the best one can do is jog. To be able to increase their run speed they would have to un-equip it.

To me this is not realistic at all, and I don't feel like it adds any roleplay experience being able to run like normal with your arms whilst holding an AK. The speed would be reduced slightly IMO.

Pistols should stay the same, they're lightweight and I would not consider it very heavy.

Optional additions:
- Edit the run animation to make the character use the same animation whilst holding the gun when jogging.
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"AKM: A simplified, lighter version of the AK-47; Type 4 receiver is made from stamped and riveted sheet metal. A slanted muzzle device was added to counter climb in automatic fire. Rifle weight is 3.1 kg (6.8 lb) due to the lighter receiver."

It's clear you're just salty because someone ran up to you with an AK and decided gat you down.

Absolutely no reason for this whatsoever.
If you're strong enough to hold and utilize an assault rifle, you're strong and able enough to sprint with one. If we had really heavy weaponry like rocket launchers, light machine guns et cetera. I'm going to give a -support on this one I'm afraid.
In real life you can run with an Ak... I don't see why in a Video game you can't....
The Ak is made out of Wood and Steel, both are decently light. The steel might way it down a bit more but it won't stop you from running.
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This is so stupid.

"This is a serious role playing server where we try to preserve roleplay to mimic real life"

In what world do you live in where we can't run with AK-47's? Plus how can you claim an AK-47 is a "Heavy Weaponry"?
Weight of an AK-47: (3.4kg)


Weight of a jar of sweets: (3kg)


One does not simply release their left hand from the weapon to run then unrealistically fast in a split second grab it again to be able to gun someone down?

The animation for running is the same when using weapons, and it's just disgustingly unrealistic. If you paid attention in the video listed above you would notice how THEY run, and if you look at it IG you're going to notice they release their left hand to run with their weapon in the right (Pointing towards rifles)

A Barrett .50 cal should definitely slow you down.
The AK-47 itself weighs 3.47 kg (7.7 lb)
3.47 kg is not exactly heavy. Compared to the M82 (29.7 lb, 13.5 kg), it's actually quite light. I would understand if your speed is slowed down while utilizing actual heavy weaponry such as the M82. But an AK-47 is definitely not hard to run with.
Even the Beretta 92 (M9) weighs 950 grams - only 50 grams away from 1 kg. I bet I could easily carry 3 (and a half) and run without any issues.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean about the animation. Whenever someone runs (at least for me), they hold the AK with both hands at all times. (Or perhaps I am blind, who knows.)

Not to mention, I've personally been running while carrying an M24, which weighs 5.6 kg (12.32 lb), and that wasn't exactly difficult.
I'm not into guns, and have never studied them. But one thing I DO know is that it would reduce your ability to run SLIGHTLY.
To me it looks heavy. Do you think every single person in the world should know everything about guns?

That person is not me, and if you think you know better than me. Join the military, good for you. :clap:
As said before it weighs little over 3kilos. The contents of my bag for college weighs more than that and I still manage to run for the bus in the mornings with ease.
As it has been pointed out several times now, running with rifles is possible irl so why shouldn't it be in game?
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