Server Suggestion remove the drug yeild thing

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Suggestion Title: remove the drug yeild thing
Suggestion Description: remove the drug yeild thing for orgs, or make it so if u like idk 10 plus members online its lesser, but not dependent on the ammount of members ur org has total, we have 5 on rn, and our yeild is fucking 0.61/1

Why should this be added?:
Incourage people to grow more and put more time into the server, allow people to make money,

What negatives could this have?:
- None, idk why this was even added ffs

Useful Images:
Exactly what I meant, also no need to be cool about 'Productive feedback', its obvious that most people dont no-life or want to no-life this all the time, so this is obviously a really stupid idea. The initial update was done very well in my opinion, but this is just excessive. Atleast give it 2 or 3 days if it is changed.
If you aren't going to provide any argumentation or have the time to properly read the thread don't respond. Your opinion is irrelevant if you don't explain your argument or even contribute to the ongoing discussion. This reply you posted for example '
Atleast give it 2 or 3 days if it is changed.
What is changed? Why 2 or 3 days? What do you mean by

its obvious that most people dont no-life or want to no-life this all the time,
Please atleast put in some effort
If you aren't going to provide any argumentation or have the time to properly read the thread don't respond. Your opinion is irrelevant if you don't explain your argument or even contribute to the ongoing discussion. This reply you posted for example '

What is changed? Why 2 or 3 days? What do you mean by

Please atleast put in some effort
I think the initial thread is a bit shit and hasn’t got any effort so apologies for that though there are some good replies like such as northnortheast. I think 6 hours does solve some things although one other consideration I still have is what can be done to prevent us from having a friend that isn’t in the org be our designated farmer and harvest all our drugs then give us the profit? Is this something that can also be solved with code?
I think the initial thread is a bit shit and hasn’t got any effort so apologies for that though there are some good replies like such as northnortheast. I think 6 hours does solve some things although one other consideration I still have is what can be done to prevent us from having a friend that isn’t in the org be our designated farmer and harvest all our drugs then give us the profit? Is this something that can also be solved with code?

How would people feel about hosting a Q & A in discord tonight? I'd love to discuss this over voice with people who do have concerns to see if we can come to the best conclusion together as there is a lot of directions to take it but due to it being a thread it will ofcourse become a mess.

I am very open to make changes but everyone has to agree so if possible it would be usefull if both players of big and smaller orgs would attend
what can be done to prevent us from having a friend that isn’t in the org be our designated farmer and harvest all our drugs then give us the profit? Is this something that can also be solved with code?
ban them for being tryhards
How would people feel about hosting a Q & A in discord tonight? I'd love to discuss this over voice with people who do have concerns to see if we can come to the best conclusion together as there is a lot of directions to take it but due to it being a thread it will ofcourse become a mess.

I am very open to make changes but everyone has to agree so if possible it would be usefull if both players of big and smaller orgs would attend
Does 7pm work for you?

this was the perfect solution for the problems with crim gameplay and even if there could be some tweaks to specifics the overall premise is great and its entire removal would make no sense whatsoever

salty zerg post i sleep
Banana-Gang has 12 members, 10 of which being (somewhat) active in the past 2 weeks, we’re enjoying our 1/1 drug yield, and also enjoying our #1 spot on leaderboard.

tl;dr zerg tilt
If you aren't going to provide any argumentation or have the time to properly read the thread don't respond. Your opinion is irrelevant if you don't explain your argument or even contribute to the ongoing discussion. This reply you posted for example '

What is changed? Why 2 or 3 days? What do you mean by

Please atleast put in some effort
I did properly read it and my response was to the change being considered. And i'm not gonna try to argue about this with you or anyone for that matter, I gave my opinion and my reason why it would be a bit excessive and its up to you however you please to take the opinion.

If you think trying to be dominant and not 'give a fuck' is the way to take it, then thats up to you.
Logically it makes sense.

The more people producing drugs and the less risk associated with doing so would overall devalue the product. As a gameplay mechanic this would be harder to implement as a devaluation of your product without it being entirely circumventable by simply having people sell drugs on your behalf, so the decrease in yield suffices greatly as accurate representation of that. As for Zerg raiding, if I recall correctly, harvesting other peoples planters as a larger org gives less yield so that avenue is also addressed.

one other consideration I still have is what can be done to prevent us from having a friend that isn’t in the org be our designated farmer and harvest all our drugs then give us the profit? Is this something that can also be solved with code?
You’d surely be losing org XP from doing so as someone else has taken from your planter box? For someone looking solely to profit as an individual this wouldn’t be a bad deal, however for someone trying to get their org somewhere this would be more inconvenient.

Removing this entirely would be once again going back on something that was suggested for years in order to make the game more accessible and I’d rather not relive the gun price reduction fiasco where everyone on perp with any sort of foresight saw a buy low sell high happen before them. Rather than running in circles because the good of a new feature isn’t necessarily good for everyone, we just take what we have and stick with it as a new obstacle in the game.

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