Map Suggestion Remove unrealistic / unnecessary player barriers: a make Paralake Parkour and Sniper friendly.

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Main Idea:
Remove all player invisible barriers that have no real purpose.

Full description of the idea:

A huge portion of servers don’t like or use Paralake because of how unfriendly it is in terms of builds and accessibility.

The following player clip barriers should be removed:

- Small subs hedges barrier that prevent players standing on the hedges: This isn’t the case for large subs houses, why only small?

- The barrier preventing people from standing on the roof of small subs houses: It’s realistic as they seem pretty sturdy.

- the one that prevents you from jumping from the highway to Hungriges stairs (weird as it only partially blocks, doesn’t stop you unrealistically using the fence to survive the fall without injuries.

- The one preventing access to the white concrete wall thing on the city highway bend. (Would make a perfect sniper spot for slums raids)

- The one preventing access to the roof of the courier warehouse. (Perfect spot to snipe cops from, idk why this was placed here? It’s literally a thick warehouse roof, it’s realistic to stand on top of it)

Why should it be added?:

This Would make Paralake a more accessible map.

- More vantage points
- Less disturbed parkour to evade police
- Makes sense

- Prop climb reports?​
I agree. Infact it also has another use. See when the suburbs is on fire you can't climb ontop of the hedge to spray between that unaccessible fenced off area. You have to hope the water clips through the hedge so being able to stand would be better.
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