Server Suggestion Renting properties

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Suggestion Title: Renting properties
Suggestion Description: This would make it so that instead of buying properties, you pay rent for them. It's not like you only pay $2500 to get a house and then have it forever. (until you sell it or disconnect). I feel like this would make it so people don't buy properties for no reason and add realism to the game. (plus everyone is rich by now, they can afford paying rent to keep their property).

Every 30 minutes, you automatically pay rent and you get a notification saying:
"You have payed [price of rent] on rent"
(if you don't want to pay rent then you can simply move out by going to the bank npc and choosing the "stop renting" option on your property).

If someone doesn't have the money to pay rent in their bank account, they will be sent a notification from "XQ BANK" saying that they are going to being evicted from their property. The player will have 10 minutes to go to their property and take back everything they have inside (props, planters, drugs) before the property gets put back on sale.

If the player is still in the property after the 10 minute time, they will be teleported outside of the property and all of the doors will get closed and locked so they can't get back in. (unless they break in).

Btw I made this suggestion out of boredom since I can't play Perpheads.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism.
- People won't be buying properties for absolutely no reason.
- People are getting so rich that they can basically buy anything they want.

What negatives could this have?:
-People don't want to spend their money on rent.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: People buying properties for no reason and people having way too much money.
Also someone made a similar suggestion but to solve a completely different problem
If this suggestion is supposed to be solving people having way too much money and buying properties for no reason, how much would rent cost?
I don’t agree with this because then people would buy properties and not use them and all properties would be taken and the people who want to base can’t

Also new players doing missions won’t be able to do them because of this as well
This entire suggestion is unnecessary as they have already added a fix to the issue your addressing look at the updates for 15/08 they made it so when u own a property u cant be afk or not use the property for more than 45 minutes without it being sold automatically, also your suggestion isnt fair to those owning a shop that only sell maybe 2-3 guns and hour and usually only make 1-3 k per sale and thats on a good day, usually sell like 1 gun every two hours
already a thing
Wait fr? When did that become a thing first ive heard of it, is this just when the mayor activates property tariffs policy? An if you dont have the money to pay it, it notifys police? Surely you can assassinate the mayor after this right? Assuming its only because of their policy?
Yea its rare but its a thing, and no i dont think so, as im assuming devs thought that people where not broke
They assumed wrong im in an endless loop of i make like anywhere between 300-600k but then cant motivate myself to make more and the money just dissappears over a span of a few days whether its gambling, buying food, crafting guns and not selling them quick enough idk been that way for quiteee awhile. Only chance ive had at buying nice cars is when i win the mil on the wheel and the free car which surprisingly ive won the mil twice and the car once although that was after spending about 600k each time lol

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