Server Suggestion Repair spotlight without placing them down again

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United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Repair spotlight without placing them down again
Suggestion Description: By pressing E multiple times, the spotlight should work again after a set time of it being shot out. For example, after 10 minutes you can press E a few times to turn the spotlight back on again after the spark sounds.

Why should this be added?:
- More realistic in this fashion rather than picking up and placing the same spotlight to get it working again
- People who aren't in base and have the spotlights placed can have them fixed by fellow basing friends

What negatives could this have?:
- I don't know any negatives that would really cause any harm
Definitely something that would be a great addon, It's a pain having to manually replace and even more of a pain when it's somebody else's spotlight's that you're basing with & they aren't there to fix them.
I believe this would be a good addition however it would make a little more sense rather than just clicking the spotlight for it too be working again u could use a lightbulb too make it working again cause as it stands lightbulbs are pretty useless
How about pressing the wrench through the inventory like fixing the car, it takes a bit time (5 seconds) but gets fixed.

However this action won't consume the wrench item but a wrench will be needed to fix the spotlight.