Repeated Infractions

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I know ban lengths are generally Staff discretion and it's based on factors. The requested help here is more focused on receiving clarification from the staff administration or higher ranked regarding how repeated infractions are intended to be treated in the incident there is a considerable time gap between said infractions, in accordance with the expectations the administrators have.

An example I would like to provide is my own shortcomings in following the rules and how the punishment was handled.

I was banned for 1 week back in Sep 3, 2023 1:34 PM for 3.4. However the last incident of me breaking rule 2.5, that being the reason for my most recent ban, was in Oct 2, 2022 4:55 AM.

Recently I unjustifiably broke 2.5 and I do find it strange how the ban length still doubled despite my last punishment being ages ago?

Disclaimer: this post is NOT made to find reason to form a staff complaint, nor is it to spark controversy. It's simply to understand from the decree of the administration team regarding how repeated infractions are treated in the context of there being a considerable time gap between them.
Typically, if a player has a lot of experience on the server and many punishments throughout their playtime, a longer ban will be issued under the expectation that they know better.

As you’ve mentioned yourself however, ban lengths are up to the discretion of the staff member issuing the ban. Ban lengths are typically decided based on the severity of the situation, how you impacted other users, your attitude throughout the report/ admin sit, previous punishments and time played on the server.
Typically, if a player has a lot of experience on the server and many punishments throughout their playtime, a longer ban will be issued under the expectation that they know better.

As you’ve mentioned yourself however, ban lengths are up to the discretion of the staff member issuing the ban. Ban lengths are typically decided based on the severity of the situation, how you impacted other users, your attitude throughout the report/ admin sit, previous punishments and time played on the server.
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