Requesting a apology from Ash

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This is not a ban apeal, I got 1 week and ban and I will deal with it..

You were applying multiple times that we were lying about the taxes, and I were man enough to apology ingame when we talked, now its your turn (And I never said that you were niether blined or deaf, I asked if you had hearing problems since we were 3 guys saying that the taxes were lower, and you said multiple times that were lying)
We assasinated the Mayor because he raised the taxes for us on about 25-30%

Screen #1 with no mayor
Screen #2 with the mayor that we assasinated

Proof, (Screen shots, I can add the demos aswell if thats really needed, if you think I Just changed the prices..)


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You clearly didnt read the post

- Use the comment function in the future. -Alabin
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Post this in the right section 'Server bans' and use the right template if u want to apologize or dispute. Also use the comment function if you reply shortly. But if this is just a post where you want to deal with it or send something to Ash you can also start a conversation with him.
Why put this up on the forums?, go and talk to him on ts3, also this makes no sence at all.
This thread seems completely pointless since you're not actually requesting to be unbanned. By the way, if those are screenshots then you must've been playing on a 3" cellphone or something.
Despite all that's mentioned already, I doubt you even once tried to work out a deal with the mayor before deciding murder is the only answer. I would imagine if you had talked to him you could have easily found out that he might lower for a bit if able. Also your pictures really show nothing, just that you had a store. It does not show that your business was horribly distraught by the mayor's choice of taxes by people refusing to pay for your goods because of it. So I somehow fail to see how you decided you would risk life in jail over a simple tax dispute, as that jail time would certainly do less good for your business than the taxes themselves.
I like how noone really reads, All I want is a apology for saying that we are lying which we clearly did not
Despite all that's mentioned already, I doubt you even once tried to work out a deal with the mayor before deciding murder is the only answer. I would imagine if you had talked to him you could have easily found out that he might lower for a bit if able. Also your pictures really show nothing, just that you had a store. It does not show that your business was horribly distraught by the mayor's choice of taxes by people refusing to pay for your goods because of it. So I somehow fail to see how you decided you would risk life in jail over a simple tax dispute, as that jail time would certainly do less good for your business than the taxes themselves.

We made 4 announces that we wanted lower taxes within the last 1hour, and the mayor decides to higher the taxes.

And I did not murder the mayor


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Still, I am not dicussing the assasination.

All I want is a apology from Ash for multiple times accusing me and my organisation for lying. And I apology for my actions

I can believe what you are telling and I know for a fact that Ash doesn't listen to other people around. (THIS IS FROM ADMIN SITS I HAVE BEEN IN WITH HIM, I WILL NOT DISCUSS THIS IN ANY WAY.)