Police Suggestion Reroute incidents as dispatcher.

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Suggestion Title: Reroute incidents as dispatcher.
Suggestion Description: A dispatcher should be able to forward certain incidents. You should be able to forward all life alerts to medics, instead of them seeing nothing unless you assign it. Even allow all incidents to be sent through as if there was no dispatcher on.

Why should this be added?:
-Allows dispatch to use their other tools to help in incidents.
-Allows medics to get to life alerts faster.
-Gives everyone a far better overview of a situation
-At an active scene when you see two police life alerts you know two police have died, this is CRUCIAL information and unless the dispatch is actively calling out every life alert then this information is missed.
-Allows emergency services to distribute themselves to incidents as they see fit, having all information available to them

What negatives could this have?:
- Means people won't go to their assigned incidents even less then they already do.
-Allows emergency services to distribute themselves to incidents as they see fit, having all information available to them.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: See "Why should this be added"
As a single dispatcher on a mid-high pop server, you only have time to distribute emergency services to incidents, it's too busy to even help with those incidents with your other tools. This would alleviate that.
-Dispatcher role is self taught, barely is there ever any dispatcher and never is there two and I can guarantee more people would try and learn dispatch if they didn't feel like they were burdening the force by becoming dispatcher.
While i get this and think its a decent idea the whole point of a dispatcher is too call out incidents in that case the role would be invalid but burdening everyone seems about right with no way too stop feeling like that when theres a dispatcher on imo hopefully hybrid comes up with training or something like that
Not invalid, you can still take over and stop routing calls. It's just an option for when you're busy with something else.
Pretty much, anyone who's ever been dispatcher(I think there's 3 people) knows that at time you can be completely overwhelmed, hell, one phonecall and you're practically useless. Times like these you need to route calls onto other officers.
Pretty much, anyone who's ever been dispatcher(I think there's 3 people) knows that at time you can be completely overwhelmed, hell, one phonecall and you're practically useless. Times like these you need to route calls onto other officers.
yea i get you however it really depends on dispatch command, i would say talk too Daniel Shapiro on PLPD site, as hes now head of dispatch as if you have any ideas you can talk too him about it, I think its more multitasking imo thats the issue but thats just me

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