Resigning and Leave

Reaction score


Just wanted to say I'll be ceasing activity on the server and I'm going to be resigning from the department as like many I've just lost interest and I'm not able to keep up with activity. I'm glad I resigned because I felt like I was wasting my time as the months went by playing as an officer. I haven't progressed in anyway from my corporal rank which I attained back in November of last year other than a few commendations here and there. S/o to @Jordan for helping make the department what it is today.

@ItsAquaaHD - Introducing me to the server, and I have to say thanks because it was really fun to play on here.

@TobyMoney - Awesome person, thanks for not shooting me when I entered your apartment.

@Josef Stalin - for shooting me point blank when i entered your apartment Great guy and was always around with me and Toby.

@Mooney - For not stopping me when I "accidently" walked into the fire <3

@D3V - Having better aim than someone who has 10x more playtime

@Sdac2 - helpful knob

@MachineGunO - Having my back and making me laugh my ass off

@Super_ - Congratulations on enforcer, another person that has your back. Thanks for trusting me.

@Bean Can - For letting me drive your Bugatti 140MPH into a pole <3

@Racxes - Somehow I always ran into you late at night and we end up shooting each other.

@Jay - Thanks for letting me steal your beamer back then

@Rogue Matiz Tyres - Your voice doesn't fit your face and I was surprised to see your character hold a gun since you're usually driving a stick of butter.

@Xquality - For being my second father

@Allen Kennedy - Very supportive and friendly :D

@idomz - Coming back to take 70k and then leaving

@Pestam - Fun playing with you as a cop

@SpaceShots - "no longer enforcer, suck my dick" Enjoy being mod and good luck in the PD

@GraveDinosaur - By far one of my favorite staff members. Very helpful and supportive guy. Sad to see you resign </3

@AyJay - VROOM. Good luck with RTU.

@Brinch - Friendly and helpful, always scared me when I saw 5 escalades pull up to storage.

@CodezBlack - One of my first friends on the server as far as I can remember. Thanks for sticking by me all this time.

@Adrish - For letting me dump your car in a lake xd

@chickenrappa - Funny as fuck, fun to see you pull out guns left and right.

@Exrobite - Alright person, had some fun times with you. Good luck as Moderator.

@Creepis - "i just shot him with a pistol from all the way over here" Great staff member, had a nice SLS.

And finally @atomic_wizard - Congratulations on enforcer. You always had my back in game while sticking with me and helped me during stressful times. Good luck to you.

Thanks for the great times everyone. I'll be lurking around the forums here and then.
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Thanks, Photon. Really going to miss you man good luck with your future and hope it all goes well mate! Make sure that you keep in touch and say hi every once in a while!
Thanks for the tag.
Bro, I got unbanned and you got bored of Perp..Well, going to miss you on Perp buddy. We can still play some Siege sometimes if you up for it! When I'm back from Thailand, HAH laaata biitch
Still dont forgive u for driving my car into the bank doors and telling me to " Touch the meth its safe''
but honestly my dude you will be missed but you still play games with me yesyes? snapchat nudes too???

Tobskin Marshelmeat.