Restoration of meth

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Topic: Restoration of meth

Short explanation(in notes):
  • Restoration of meth so that risk and reward are balanced

Detailed description
(why should it become added/...):

The somewhat recent updates that were made to meth made it so that the risks involved in the production of meth is far too high for the reward. However it has to be said, before these updates, meth was extremely overpowered. Therefore I am not suggesting that meth should return to its former state, what I suggest is some of the meth's old properties are to be restored, ensuring that the 'risk vs reward' stays balanced.

It is important to note that the times at which the sales tax is 0% has been reduced from what it used to be. Meaning that purchasing the materials needed for meth is harder, and can only be carried out at specific times. This means that for a reasonable profit to be made, a large amount of money must be invested. As you will have to manufacture in bulk (so it takes longer to complete all your batches + Higher profit) to make it acceptable to not be purchasing the materials required as often as you used to. This therefore limits the producibility of meth.

Before the updates, it was far too easy to simply pick up the cooking meth once you were raided and save yourself a huge loss. Therefore the 'danger' above the meth should remain, to ensure you cannot pick it up once you risk loosing it. This has increased the risk of producing meth because if you are successfully raided (and are producing meth on a large scale) you can loose upward of $25,000 per batch - 25k is a heavy investment to make. Also, once the PLPD hear the explosions (or raiders) you are most likely going to see a raid. As it is extremely difficult to talk down the police from raiding after they hear four consecutive explosions from inside your property. This also brings the problems of the 'consta-raid' in which the PLPD will continue returning over and over again until the win, meaning you have to hold out for extended periods of time just to get the batch finished. Overall this increases the risk of cooking meth.

With meth's properties as they are now, once the meth explodes, its sends its neighbouring barrels flying everywhere. Once the meth isn't stood upright, it stops cooking, therefore the only solution is to compact the meth together with props. This makes the meth not producible for the most part, and is the main reason why people no longer produce it. Therefore, meth should not cook if it not upright (E.G: if it knocked over) however the exploding meth should not send the other barrels flying across the room. Overall the risk is increased as knocking over the meth will cause it to stop cooking, however this is somewhat countered as it does not render meth not producible.

The chemicals given off when the meth explodes, and its effects are a nice feature that improve meth. However dying is perhaps a little extreme (But possibly more realistic). This also increases the risk as for any intelligent raider, raiding just after the meth has exploded has become a tactic. As not only will the producers be occupied with putting out the fires, but they will also be visibly-impaired making them easier to pick off. Also, you can potentially die whilst attempting to put the fire out. To combat it however, perhaps equipment could be added to remove/reduce the effects of the chemicals; such as gas masks, which would cost quite a large amount to craft, and also require certain genes.

Also the areas in which meth can be produced on a large scale (Without constant attention) are extremely limited. With only Glass Co, Parker, and the farm being reasonable choices. Therefore although this does not increase the 'risk' of producing meth it does limit your ability to produce it on a profitable level.

The manufacturing price, and selling price of meth however are balanced. with a 1k return (proving materials were purchased at 0% sales tax) ensure the reward stays higher than the risks involved. However the changes I have suggested will ensure that the risk involved in producing meth remains close, but slightly under the reward. Meaning meth will once again be a viable option if you wish to manufacture drugs. However those who do manufacture meth will have to be extremely careful, as not acting in an intelligent manner will either end up in your batches being ruined, or being seized by raiders of the police. Meaning meth stays balanced.

In summery:
  • Production/selling cost of meth stays the same
  • Meth will explode if picked up before it has finished cooking ('danger')
  • Effects of meth exploding remain the same (Possibly adding gear to counter the effects)
  • Meth does not move other barrels upon exploding

Optional additions:


Number of times the word meth has been used in this suggestion: 31
Meth is not used nearly as much as weed and coke and I reckon this would make meth more relevant and worth doing.
+Support as i loved doing meth but now only time i can do it is when server is empty which i can't do i also think that 2-4 meth always exploding as it starts to cook (first 5 mins) should be lowered maybe
Also, to show the reward of meth:

500 barrels of uncooked meth:

20 cooks (25 meth per cook)
3 meth lost per batch (On average)
60 lost in total cooks
440 total meth produced

$880,000 from selling the 440 meth

$500,000 spent on production materials

$380,000 overall profit

400 mins for 20 cooks
6 hours 30 mins for 20 cooks (ish)

$380,000 per 6.6 hours
$57,575 per hour

57k per hour seems like a lot, however when taking into comparison everything that can go wrong, there is quite a substantial chance you could loose 25k per batch. This therefore balanced the risk vs reward.

The only 'reward' you get from cooking meth is the profit you make. Everything else involves risk, and as I have detailed there are quite a few risks, and its not that hard to mess things up and end up loosing complete batches.
+ Support We really do need back the times, when risky meth cooking was actually very profitable... Now, its simply not enough, encouriging the players to exclude a whole big chunk that the Money Making process of PH provides. Simply needs to be as it was before.
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One thing I was thinking of was to have the production of the substance be manual, so you had to shake it, take it on and off the heat, etc. Which could remove the random chance element of danger. So instead of it just suddenly blowing up in your face because of RNG, you might shake it too hard, or hit something, or leave it on the heat for too long.
Why is this not closed?? :zing:

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