rethink about the swat shield

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Because of so many shotoouts and PLPD lose even with 16 officer on duty, i would just only to rethink using SWAT Shield.
There is to much shootout and no RP, its not even possible to do a OR or a normal patrol without a raid or beeing killed.
A SWAT Shield would help to make it a bit balance.
i know that has been suggested and denied before but during the situtation on the server, i would think to discuss it again.
How i would use The Swat Shield is, to rush or atleast give a chance to get inside a propety without beeing insta black screen.
its always the same, Shooter are with best aids defense in slums 3 and none has a chance to get the person inside, many cops die at the door or mostly get wallbanged and i dont even know anymore what to do, you only can peek and die, flashbang dont really helped that much.
The Swat Shield can help in shootout, at open area like bank raids, i think even with Shield its Hard to get the bank robbers.
A Swat Shield can even help to not just shoot people, TFU Can get close to a suspect and tase him, so people dont just kill them self to aviod arrest and ticket or atleast that could help to tase a new player and give him low sentence, that when he died he dont feels like he want instant rage quit the server.

For everyone who think a SWAT Shield would be OP, you need to keep in mind:
-Sniper can destory the Shield and ez kill him
-The Shield can be destoryed
-Nade or molo the Shield ez win
-Flankers get him from behind ez.
-G3 is way to OP and can frag the whole PD

The SWAT Shield is there to only give a chance not to be undestoryble be OP
i would sugges that the shield can be destoryed, that you need to rearmor and equip it.(ofc you can do it on the swat van)
Rilfe can easier destroy it, mybe the shield has 300-400 HP or something like that(need to be tested)
Pistol has a harder time to destroy it but you still have ez chance to win agains it.
it helps agains Knife, katanna etc.

Mybe give normal officer a "riot" Shield that it has to be in car(or it spawns there) by policy.
It give the officer a very small chance of survival and helps to agains bad pistol and meele weapons.
ofc Rilfe can like instant destroy it, its not mean for shootouts only meele and bad pistol that you dont
just only kill but give a chance that people survived what helps when there no medic on duty.

His is how it would looks like:

Ofc it wont change that much for the server, but it should MYBE help that not just start a shootout and cop bait after to get ez frags,
there need to be something that stop that ez frags and balance it.

these are my thoughts, what do you think about it, rethink the situation on the server.
A shield isn't going to stop shootouts happening. It will only make TFU slightly harder to kill for the exchange of the shield guy not being able to shoot back.

I can't say that a bulletproof shield wouldn't be decent but I also can't say it'd be useful combat wise, maybe for hostage negotiators.
I think that most losses tend to stem from poor coordination and communication in PLPD. Sometimes PLPD is brute forced and loses, but more often than not it could be better played. If there's a heavy shootout (like suburbs) where likelihood of getting shoot on arrival is high, you should wait and group. Perhaps they should always do that.

In bank robberies, arrive together. They will happily shoot cars to disable and kill you in it.

In aids defenses with lots of people where its hard to push, turtle outside and put officers on perimeters, get two TFU to watch door, and then other TFU can floorbang or wallbang (@Bojing) They won't push you and then you play a waiting game. If you decide to push, do it with few officers and don't commit too much resources, then wait watching the door. Keep going until you win, if they don't push they'll run out of ammo or lose eventually.
if you actively coordinate yourselves as police when you have 16 of you and do things properly it's almost impossible to lose, just thought i'd drop that in in response to your claims about police losing :)
Most times when police lose it's in open shootouts where a shield wouldn't offer any advantage. A shield would be nice to have for any particularly aids apartment raids.
if you actively coordinate yourselves as police when you have 16 of you and do things properly it's almost impossible to lose, just thought i'd drop that in in response to your claims about police losing :)
If you actively invite people into your big organization and barely train them, or vet their skills besides a quick application, it's almost impossible to do things properly when half the active members don't know how to co-ordinate, or have other plans such as rushing in to try getting as many kills as possible. By the time the PD sits down to plan the raid, the criminals are gone. :)
if you actively coordinate yourselves as police when you have 16 of you and do things properly it's almost impossible to lose, just thought i'd drop that in in response to your claims about police losing :)
When theres 16 of you, you have a big chance to win, you just need to play smart, I don't feel like this is needed on the server
Even as a Sergant none listen to you. IA or Suspent wont help.
Sounds easy but its not that case and it will not work that way because you need to train all and stay with you team but u always have random people to play with.
even if you actively corrdinate, it wont do anything cus you get 1 tap by Sniper and g3, nade etc.
If you actively invite people into your big organization and barely train them, or vet their skills besides a quick application, it's almost impossible to do things properly when half the active members don't know how to co-ordinate, or have other plans such as rushing in to try getting as many kills as possible. By the time the PD sits down to plan the raid, the criminals are gone. :)

Use them as fodder and tell them to rush in to soak the bullets so the crims have to reload
Even as a Sergant none listen to you. IA or Suspent wont help.
Sounds easy but its not that case and it will not work that way because you need to train all and stay with you team but u always have random people to play with.
even if you actively corrdinate, it wont do anything cus you get 1 tap by Sniper and g3, nade etc.

I didn't nervously give the least confident thumbs up I've ever given in my life to the AWM Being added to TFU For this defeatist attitude towards facing the odd civilian or two who have sniper rifles tbh. I've killed AS50 users with glocks simply because I approached from an angle where they didn't expect me to come from. The issue you have will not be fixed by the addition of a shield, only intensified.

Approaching a situation from 2 different angles, if coordinated correctly, rarely fails for officers particularly if done in L formations, which with the layout of paralake in mind, is very easy to pull off in virtually any open air area.

If you see the fact that cops don't win shootouts half the time as a viable issue, then its just a skill issue at the end of the day. Poor coordination? By gmod standards, even policeRP servers I've joined, the PD here is, as hard as it might be for someone like me to admit, still the most coordinated, skilled, devoted and powerful police department I've seen on any other Gmod RP server. Of course cops aren't going to win. In these situations, its whoever covers the most ground wins. Even experienced gamers who live on Kovaak and CS Can get fucked over by 4 kids with glocks who approached a situation viably.

The other day, I watched a bank raid in noclip and watched every single officer respond 1 by 1 alone resulting in them getting fucked over. If a bank raid happens, everyone drives to bank like headless chickens when in reality they could play the bank raid zone limitations and their numbers to their advantage, hang back and approach with other cars in a scattered convoy, that way theres no chance that anyone, even 2 people with AK's, are going to be able to spray everyone out of their cars.

Neither side really needs nerfs or buffs, they just need to think carefully, and not resort to claiming that the game is rigged against them because they were simply outplayed.

If you actively invite people into your big organization and barely train them, or vet their skills besides a quick application, it's almost impossible to do things properly when half the active members don't know how to co-ordinate, or have other plans such as rushing in to try getting as many kills as possible. By the time the PD sits down to plan the raid, the criminals are gone. :)

Its entirely possible to have a rough idea of how to respond to almost any situation taking into account possibilities, then finalising the idea based on the pre-accounted for factors that come into play in the tactics of the criminals. This boils down to individual skill. If Police players who only play cop aren't having rough ideas on what to expect before arriving on a scene, well, You can only blame them for your loss. Rather than relying on Police as your source of gameplay experience, you can have an org where you get to choose who is in and who isn't, and if the police are really generally as bad as you are describing them to be, your org won't have to worry about them at all.

When theres 16 of you, you have a big chance to win, you just need to play smart, I don't feel like this is needed on the server

Set your mind off of PVP For a moment, because the shield in PVP Would be almost useless and for something like this, Looking at it from a PVP standpoint doesn't bode well for the addition of a shield. Look in CSGO For example, The shields only good for funny rush in tunnels on Militia or if used with someone shooting around you. Whilst in combat would be almost insignificant unless specific tactics are utilised (Most being tactics that can and will constantly be countered), The shield will prove amazing for situations like hostage situations, Evacuation, And would be amazing when it comes to dealing with lone gunmen where killing the suspect isn't the desired outcome, which I think PERP lacks. If someone's wanted, or in the process of committing a crime, its either gunpoint or kill them, which I disagree with. Taking people alive should be the primary focus of the PLPD and I feel as though giving us the ability to do so within policy (Since we cant actually taser people with guns out by policy, nightstick rushing someone is 3.4 unless they're flash banged or as a last resort, etc.)

The issue here is, the likelihood of a shield seeing use in combat effectively would be bare minimum and therefor such time to develop this probably wouldn't be wasted.
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I doubt any TFU would even use the shield have it be added, plus the majority of the shootouts that cops lose aren't in apartment buildings, as the shooters are in close proximity to eachother therefore making a well timed flashbang enough to eliminate them. I think the amount of time to develop them as @Benj would just be wasted, where actual issues or things that would impact the server more heavily would put less strain on the development team. There are loads of servers with a SWAT based shield, and it's really shit in comparison to playing with tactics, flashing and running in is a common tactic and you usually have a 50% chance of succeeding with it. Having a bulletproof shield just means that cops can be naded and half the PD is dead before you've even started a proper shootout because of its mobility and how the cops would actually use it (sitting behind it and bodyblocking the TFU holding it). TFU aren't some more mobile Montagne, a drone suggestion would make more sense imo, gmod isn't siege.
only con of g3 is bullet prices and because of over inflation in perp, people keep using such powerfull gun in every sit forcing players like nasul to feel the urge to balance it by giving extra stuff to PD. i'd say just nerf g3
only con of g3 is bullet prices and because of over inflation in perp, people keep using such powerfull gun in every sit forcing players like nasul to feel the urge to balance it by giving extra stuff to PD. i'd say just nerf g3
Its already been nerfed significantly, just about to the point where its still very usable (as it should be) Just nowhere near as good as it used to be. The issue with nerfing the G3 is, The way perp weapons work, It'd also nerf the M24, which we do not need!
Its already been nerfed significantly, just about to the point where its still very usable (as it should be) Just nowhere near as good as it used to be. The issue with nerfing the G3 is, The way perp weapons work, It'd also nerf the M24, which we do not need!

no one uses m24 except captains who can afford to have the 45ct the gun mildly injures

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