Returning. Hello!

Reaction score
Hello nice to meet you all!

As you probably guessed my name is Lewis.

I used to play on the server like a year ago and was a Moderator for the community, I resigned for personal reasons which I will not go into.

I have decided to start playing and increasing my activity on the server.
I hope to find a lot of familiar faces around the city!

I have seen you else-where, but I do not remember.

Anyways, good to see old members returning to PERPHeads. Welcome back and remember to read posts around the forums which will help you get your grips with changes which have happened whilst you were away,

Best of luck,
Hey Lewis probably you dont remember me but im here since 2013.
Nice to see you Here!
Welcome back Lewis! Good to see an old face back in the community!
Make sure, you get yourself up to date with the server rules and check out the changelogs to see what's changed!

See you around!
Hey Lewis! Awesome to see you're back again. Have fun!

Do not run me over again plox :kappa:
Welcome back, im guessing you're one of @AyJay's friends.. which is obviously banterous. I never met you but I hope I can.
Good to see members of our favourite competitors joining back! Make sure you don't bring Leyer back with you and I never got to thank you for the shitty warning last year, cheers!