Revert Bandage Changed

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United Kingdom
Topic: Make it so you can bandage while you are holding a gun

Short explanation (in notes):
- Able to bandage while holding a gun
- Do not have to put gun away to bandage

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This should be added/reverted because in real life you would not but a gun on your back, just to put on a bandage. At the moment it just makes it really annoying to use a bandage. In real life someone would most likely put the gun down, apply the bandage and pick it back up, of course we do not want this in Perp because of the equipping timer things however it used to be like this. Now its just really annoying, no idea why a soldier or a armed person would put away their gun, just to apply a bandage.

This would be good for police also, they are not the most protected when in gunfights, an having to put their gun down, bandage and get it out again could mean they are killed. This benefits everyone, not just criminals.

// Was done on phone so any bad spelling ratings can die

- Suggested by @Jordan maybe you have to have a certain first aid skill to do this?
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If you have a rifle they tend to have a sling so you can let it hang off the sling while you bandage. I have my reservations however believing it is to op however you would not be able to shoot anyway. This may not have alot of effect and after considering the possibilities I do not see a problem having a pistol still raised but a two handed weapon should lower as if it was on a sling.

I do not have a problem with it and I support it.
As someone with IRL experiences of having to bandage people while having a rifle, you do indeed have to put the gun on your back while you have to bandage. As things would have it, having a rifle in front of you while you try to bandage yourself / others its really a pain as the gun keeps flopping around thus you would have to sling it on your back. As for pistols, I do understand as to why you have to completely holster the pistol considering you still need 2 hands to be able to bandage someone
You'd have to be a top lad to apply a bandage to a severe bleed with 1 hand, wouldn't be able to put any pressure on it or effectively wrap the bandage, let alone tie it off! Simply because something 'is a pain in the arse', doesn't mean that it needs to be removed. It's a realistic addition to have this, stops people being able to bandage and shoot! Why not make it so you have to have the first-aid skill at 8/8 to use it with a firearm out?
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