Revived Revamp of SS << OFFICIAL Suggestion

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Georgia, United States of America

Discussion Post:

Main Idea:
Secret Service will be changed in the following ways:
  1. Secret Service (SS) will receive a SIG P226 upon joining SS and light armor.
  2. The Secret Service armory will be as follows: Glock 20, Sig Sauer P226, Beretta, USP .40, HK 45.
  3. SS will receive TWO black Escalades with emergency lights (These could possibly be just blue to help the mayor stand out). This can be the Police Supervisor SUV with lights on top but would just be all black matte. One would be a support vehicle or could go ahead to secure places and the other can transport the mayor.
  4. SS will receive a radio with the same animation as TFU (touching hand to ear) and their own private radio channel. Their text based radio will still be linked to the police.
  5. SS members will automatically be given a black suit and aviators as a uniform when joining SS.
  6. Add a rule saying: "SS may use emergency lights when transporting the mayor for safety and warning but may not break traffic laws unless the mayor's life is in danger or unless a possible threat is active. They may also only drive point to point and may not just drive around aimlessly."
  7. Raise SS slots to a max of 4.

Full description of the idea:
  • The SS will at first get a SIG 226 and light armor when joining, this is a more usual weapon for secret service in real life (As their standard weapon is the P229 irl). Their armory will also consist of the following: Glock 17, Sig Sauer P226, Beretta, USP .40, HK 45.
  • SS will get TWO black Escalades that will replace the currently outdated limo. These Escalades will have emergency lights on top and be armored. The old limo is too hard to move around, slow, gets stuck often, and is an overall hindrance.
  • The SS can use emergency lights when they are transporting the mayor point to point, such as from the City Hall to the Bazaar, or when the mayor's life is in danger. They cannot use these to drive around aimlessly or even drive around aimlessly at all (The rule stated in #6 above will be added as well).
  • SS will get a voice radio that has the same animation the SWAT one does, basically touching their hand to their ear. This won't be linked to the Police radios but their text based radios will work just as they always have. Dispatchers were able to split radio channels in the past so I am guessing the devs know how.
  • SS members will get a black suit and sun glasses when they join the job. This makes the SS look more professional and uniform, quiet a force to be reckoned with. This can scare of would be attackers by providing a strong presence while also providing some urban camouflage.

Why should it be added?:
This is becoming more relevant with many recent updates and revamps for the PD and general server
I have noticed more and more recently the mayor being a dangerous job especially with Olsen Banden and criminal orgs a lot more blatant.
This will make the SS an important job and most of all a much more fun job. This will also make them more realistic and more effective in their duties.
I also cannot express HOW IMPORTANT it is for the Emergency Lighting System to be added for SS. It has so many advantages over the old system, especially per that fact that it is more realistic and enjoyable, but also because it elevates the status of the mayor. The mayor is also in constant danger with how the game mechanics are set up, because of this I think it is a necessary addon and essential to the success of this update. I can't tell you how many times I've had to escort the mayor as an officer or assign an officer for protection because it is so dangerous for the mayor in that limo. Even more than that I have had to get the limo unstuck from even simple things.

More like the real SS.
Better connects the SS and helps them do their job.
Makes it easier for SS to get around, especially in extreme circumstances.
HUGE improvement over Limo.
More uniform and professional.
The emergency lights with point to point transport would make the job much more fun and safer for the mayor (like how the SS transports the president or higher political figures).
No more of the mayor being basically a sitting duck in that limo.
With a more professional SS the mayor's job will be a lot more fun and he will be seen as a real leader.

Possible abuse of the emergency lights (but we run the same risks with firefighters and medics all the time).
SS may annoy other SS with overuse of the radio.
SS would be less secretive with the uniforms (but more intimidating and discouraging to would-be attackers).
SS could end up screwing around with emergency vehicles, though we allow the same risk with fire fighters and medics already.


This is the MAYOR OF NEW YORK'S car. He has security as well, pretty active. Our system would be similar to his.


Vote on the discussion shows this is really wanted.
If there's something I definitely agree with, it's the change of vehicle. That limousine needs to die.
Kill the limo with fire. It's horrible.
I also support the voice radio, i cant get enough of how ss was slow in situations because they had to write stuff out in text.
Black suit and glasses and diff guns-maybe.
Another suggestion I'd like to add onto this is that SS agents must be whitelisted within PLPD (senior officer minimum) in order to be able to join and within the trunk of the Escalades, a firearm such as the MP5A3/MP5K/UZI/MAC11/MP7 etc would be inside.
I made a suggestion like this awhile ago, Except mine featured a black Mercedes for SS agents to travel in convoy with the mayors limo.

Your choice of SS Firearms is interesting, but honestly, the Glock 18c, the USP 40 and the M1911a1 are pretty much the only service pistols an SS Will need. The P226 would be a welcome addition in my eyes though, even if its less controllable.

The M1911 has more than enough power to do the job, as well as having an intimidating demeanor and an alarmingly loud, sharp gunshot sound.

The Glock 18c, admittably, Isn't the most efficient weapon due to its automatic fire being a pain to control even at higher marksmanship levels, But when used correctly, its a force to be reckoned with in close range encounters.

And the USP .40, whats not to love? Decent magazine capacity, Good stopping power, and controllable recoil. Hell, I reckon the Secret Service would thrive using this pistol alone.
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Least there will be no calls to RC saying "My limo is stuck". Sounds good to me!


However instead of the animation of the SS putting their finger up to their ear, maybe something like this as its more accurate?
Another suggestion I'd like to add onto this is that SS agents must be whitelisted within PLPD (senior officer minimum) in order to be able to join and within the trunk of the Escalades, a firearm such as the MP5A3/MP5K/UZI/MAC11/MP7 etc would be inside.
expected corolla saying the limousine needs to be changed to an ae86, dissappointment.
Maybe give them concealable SMG's and up their marksmanship for it? It'd be easy to just get a UMP-45 and fold the stock and keep it behind the suit. It'd also be balanced as the weapon is chambered in 9mm and has a somewhat slow fire rate, but is automatic. Along with the light armor and strength in numbers, the gun would help against heavily armed criminals with M4A1s or any automatic rifle.

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Maybe give them concealable SMG's and up their marksmanship for it? It'd be easy to just get a UMP-45 and fold the stock and keep it behind the suit. It'd also be balanced as the weapon is chambered in 9mm and has a somewhat slow fire rate, but is automatic. Along with the light armor and strength in numbers, the gun would help against heavily armed criminals with M4A1s or any automatic rifle.

Bruh I think you’ve been playing too much Rainbow Six Siege tbh.

Upping marksmanship automatically upon joining a job shouldn’t be a thing because I’d say it’s your responsibility to have good aim and at least decent marksmanship if you’re going to have such a crucial job that has no room for errors such as Secret Services. You also mentioned strength in numbers but there can only be a maximum of 3 secret service? Along with these numbers I can tell you right now that it wouldn’t be as effective as you’re making it seem like. 3 SS with UMPS < 3 crims with M4A1s however usually you see 5+ crims in a group even more.
Bruh I think you’ve been playing too much Rainbow Six Siege tbh

and i think you play dota 2 too much

Upping marksmanship automatically upon joining a job shouldn’t be a thing because I’d say it’s your responsibility to have good aim and at least decent marksmanship if you’re going to have such a crucial job that has no room for errors such as Secret Services.

Right so anyone could just take the exam and waltz in with a marksmanship of 6 for SMGs and then have the accuracy and recoil control of a fucking walnut?

I can tell you right now that it wouldn’t be as effective as you’re making it seem like. 3 SS with UMPS < 3 crims with M4A1s however usually you see 5+ crims in a group even more.

What do you suggest then? Give them AR pistols or some shit?
the limo has been kanker homos since 2013
fucking kill that shit lets get the escalades Essketit
Overall this is something i have wanted for a long time. A more realistic SS System. The Limo just needs to die that's about it. Weapon wise its a good idea, it would make SS maybe more of a challenge for small time criminals.

The cars would also work, 2 Cars is better than one and with the potential support of TFU and the General Police it would be much harder to get at the mayor while he is in transit.

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