Riekelt's Resignation

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Hello PERPHeads,

As some of you might have noticed I have not been the most active staff member lately.
This is mainly because school makes it nearly impossible for me to remain active as a staff member.

Because of this, I hereby resign from my position as a Server Moderator.
I've had a great time as a Moderator here at PERPHeads and could not have wished for a better community and staff team to work with.

Here's a list of people that were especially useful or good friends of mine in PERPHeads:

Sorry if I forgot you in that list!

I'll still hop on the server now and then, but dont expect to see much of me!

So for now this is goodbye but who knows what might happen in the future.

Peace out.
Bye cunt Love you i hope u have a good time and i also dont think u remember me i was that stalker every time u were LT

Sad to see you leave as a moderator. You were a very good one.
You were a great staff member and I had loads of fun with you. I wish you good luck with your school and I hope to continue talking to you on steam ;)

PS Nederland neemt staff team niet over? :booty:
Ahh @Riekelt where do we begin?
You are a great member of staff and I hope we remain friends on steam!
Your efforts to the community were amazing!
Good luck to your future!
Noo Riekelt :(
You were a great moderator, I am surprised that you have resigned.
No more shanks? :(

You were a great moderator, sad to see you go...
You better still shank me though
God damnit
Who is gonna take care of the police force? :(
All jokes aside it's very weird to see you go as you've been here all my PERP life.
Its sad to see such a great moderator leave the team :/.
"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life."
No tag D: (jk ofc <3)

Its a shame to see you have resigned mate, you were a great staff member.

Cya mate...
During my time that I have seen you on the server you have been one of the best role players personally for me, You have dealt with some rule breakers also and were an awesome guy, I's unfortunate that I don't get to know you even more :c
This is unfortunate, you were a credit to the staff team and I hope that one day you will return to us with the intention of starting over from where you left off. But for now, goodbye.