Riekelt's resignation

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Hello PERPHeads,

Today, I am here yet again, to resign from my position as a Moderator.
However, I will not be leaving the community, you will just not be seeing a lot of me, and this will also be the last time you will see me as a Moderator, as I have decided that I am not going to be applying again, and am leaving staff positions as a whole, anywhere, behind. Mainly due to the fact that I can no longer make time to do what I have got to do, and have not been pulling my share of the weight in a while, and it is not time for me to accept that it can not go on like this, and to resign.

I have enjoyed working in the staff team, and trust that they will do an excellent job in the future.

I will see you all again in-game soon, just not as a Moderator!

@MoronPipllyd @Bolli
Rip the only moderator tolerating calling him by his ooc name :'(
There goes the bit of hope the dutch had in turning the staff team dutch...

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Sad to see a staff member resign, hope you find time to enjoy PERPHEADS.
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Bye Riekelt, you still have a good butt like always.

Riekelt knows why I said that, only he will understand. c;

- Ian.
Sad to see you resign Riekelt, but what has to be done has to be done.
Nice to see you at least stick around and keep a role in the community!
Cya ingame ;)
We fell out a bit when the shit happend with Aaron and Jeffers but overall your a nice guy. Will never forget that drunk RP we did xD

Anyways have fun!
Sad to see a good staff member resign like you , atleast we can see you in-game not like other staff members who resigned and left ph :D
Rip Rektkelt 2014-2016

You were a great mod, and one of my favorites. Sad to see you resign and good luck in whatever you're doing!