Deleted member 4084
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Addition to law / new law
What law do you wish to change/add:
3.2 Use of Force
Law enforcement officers may use any amount of force in the execution of their duties provided that it is reasonable and justifiable.
Why should this change/addition be made: Okay - So... the fact that officers can use their weapon for the slightest of incident is ridiculous. There was one incident which involved me tapping an officer with a vehicle, TAPPING -- and they proceed to gunpoint.
I don't know if it'd fit into rule 2.5 for gun-pointing, but for what I know - it doesn't.
People get tapped by a vehicle everyday, not purposely done with the intention of harm. And the Police officers proceed to gunpoint, and give you a nice fine and jail sentence for attempted murder or some other one. It's quite stupid to be honest. Think about it, tapping an officer shouldn't result in a big baby fight. Again -- Unless the drivers sole intention was to harm someone, they shouldn't receive more than a fine.
What is the aim of this change/addition: Make sure officers ain't caught breaking 2.5 maybe?
Additional Information: If this don't make too much sense - It's mainly because it's boiling hot like fuck, and I can't think straight right now. So I will edit it when I feel better :3
What law do you wish to change/add:
3.2 Use of Force
Law enforcement officers may use any amount of force in the execution of their duties provided that it is reasonable and justifiable.
Why should this change/addition be made: Okay - So... the fact that officers can use their weapon for the slightest of incident is ridiculous. There was one incident which involved me tapping an officer with a vehicle, TAPPING -- and they proceed to gunpoint.
I don't know if it'd fit into rule 2.5 for gun-pointing, but for what I know - it doesn't.
People get tapped by a vehicle everyday, not purposely done with the intention of harm. And the Police officers proceed to gunpoint, and give you a nice fine and jail sentence for attempted murder or some other one. It's quite stupid to be honest. Think about it, tapping an officer shouldn't result in a big baby fight. Again -- Unless the drivers sole intention was to harm someone, they shouldn't receive more than a fine.
What is the aim of this change/addition: Make sure officers ain't caught breaking 2.5 maybe?
Additional Information: If this don't make too much sense - It's mainly because it's boiling hot like fuck, and I can't think straight right now. So I will edit it when I feel better :3