'Road Closed' Signs

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Topic: Signs for Road Closures for the Police.

Short explanation (in notes):
-You can get them from the sign/bandage woman at the Police Station.
-You place them down and can customize text or use one of the presets.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
There are so many creative road closures we can create as a Law Enforcement Officer with these, This should stop people crashing into a police car going 100000mph in their snazzy bugattis *cough* Garo and Andii *cough*. Of course this is not required RIGHT NOW but would be a nice addition for when you have time. Additionally, people can create diversions around an incident if they have to.

Optional additions:
-Additional Amount of cones which an officer can get from the NPC for more advanced road closures.
-Add a rule specificly to prevent minge driving, driving over all the cones.
-Could have the 'POLICE ACCIDENT' and 'POLICE ROAD CLOSED' signs too.
I like this idea, but usually when a road is closed, they create a diversion due to multiple roads leading to one destination, thus easing the traffic flow. But obviously Paralake is somewhat linear in areas. Meaning that closing a road without a diversion would completely block off certain areas of the map. Which for some situations might not be ideal.

I think this is suitable in certain areas of the map, for example the city section where there are a multitude of roads that can lead to the same destination.

All in all I think that this would be a good addition if used correctly. + Support
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Seems like a lot of work when you can use barriers and cones.

<Side Note, I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, so someone check and tell me. I can't be arsed>
This is a lot of work to do to make a new sign and then make it active on the server. Just use the normal barriers we have now, there really ain't much difference. -support
This is a lot of work to do to make a new sign and then make it active on the server. Just use the normal barriers we have now, there really ain't much difference. -support

Nah, what are you talking about ? 1-2 Hours to make the Models. Place some basic textures on it and write the config file. And if you feel fancy you could spend another 1-2 hours to apply some extra features on it that is if you know how to code though.
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