Road Traffic Officers Inspiration and Appreciation Thread


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So today we had a kidnapping incident and we had intel that the kidnapper was driving a black beetle. Low and behold we found the beetle trying to blend in and we decided to attempt a reinforced like what is taught in all-new RTO Stage 2's. I thought id share this moment plainly due to the fact I'm extremely proud of the 2 RTO's in this video @Henry and @hotdog 6 they did an absolutely textbook stop.

@Hayden @McGlinchy @Collier @Momo @Tyla Jai @CensoredExe @A1L
Ok? I'm making a post to show the achievements of some RTO's and rather than being nice you respond with this. Thanks for the constructive response.
You want constructive? Fine. The first officer went around and pulled the hand brake which is unnecessary, the 2nd cop then pushed the car into the first cop damaging all 3 cars as well injuring the officer exiting the car and would have injured the people inside. Stopping a non-moving car is the most hardest thing anyone can do especially being a vw beetle. That constructive enough for you?
Let the guy share his fun moments in peace instead of being a negative nancy about it having to trash talk a division where it really isn't needed.
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It was performed exactly as we learnt in training @hotdog 6 did a really great job in the first position with @Mimball handling the radio comms in my unit. With this manoeuvre we successfully apprehended the suspect without potentially allowing them to drive recklessly onto the highway and endanger lives. Overall excellent performance from our traffic officers and it's something I'd really like to see being used in the future.
im so proud @Henry and @hotdog 6 you are my heros
