Robbing stores

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Deleted member 4116

Main idea: To be able to rob stores.

Description: Just what the title says, being able to rob stores for quick cash. Allow us to rob stores and earn quick cash ranging from 3K to 15K. You can only rob a store once an hour. There has to be a minimum of 4 cops online Officer+ to be able to rob a store.

Another method of earning money?
Makes patrolling more fun for cops because they got to be more alert for robbers.

I think this could be really good, but the problem is its gonna be another excuse for a zerg to kill cops once an hour, i think you should add a maximum amount of people due to the fact the cops wont last, and when do you see 15 people robbing a corner shop.
+ support
I like this ide and would like to see it in game due to it being more friendlier to the sweaters specially now when we got the new growing system that is much harder for new comers.
I'm on the fence with this idea, on one hand its something I've been wanting to do on PERP but on the other hand I dont fancy going to buy a burger and end up executed after a hostage situation.
I'm on the fence with this idea, on one hand its something I've been wanting to do on PERP but on the other hand I dont fancy going to buy a burger and end up executed after a hostage situation.

personally i think there should be a set stores that can be set up for robbery. Making it so Fredys Bakeries not able to be robbed what so ever.
+ support
I like this ide and would like to see it in game due to it being more friendlier to the sweaters specially now when we got the new growing system that is much harder for new comers.
I'm conflicted on this point. Of course, it introduces a new way for them to make money which is good I suppose. However, with them being new they will likely not understand how the server works and will end up being caught by the police fairly easily. They will rely on the rule of the Police not being able to confiscate money after it has been successfully stolen.

personally i think there should be a set stores that can be set up for robbery. Making it so Fredys Bakeries not able to be robbed what so ever.
That means robberies would have to occur in Business and the City where most of them are likely to occur, the PD response to those locations can be very fast and with the only way to escape being the sea (as their slow cars would easily be caught up to on the highway) it would be better for newcomers to be able to hit Fredy's in the Suburbs and then dip into the woods.
personally i think there should be a set stores that can be set up for robbery. Making it so Fredys Bakeries not able to be robbed what so ever.
>Robbing Fredys
I'm conflicted on this point. Of course, it introduces a new way for them to make money which is good I suppose. However, with them being new they will likely not understand how the server works and will end up being caught by the police fairly easily. They will rely on the rule of the Police not being able to confiscate money after it has been successfully stolen.

That means robberies would have to occur in Business and the City where most of them are likely to occur, the PD response to those locations can be very fast and with the only way to escape being the sea (as their slow cars would easily be caught up to on the highway) it would be better for newcomers to be able to hit Fredy's in the Suburbs and then dip into the woods.

there is jennifers at subs they can rob still.
That means robberies would have to occur in Business and the City where most of them are likely to occur, the PD response to those locations can be very fast and with the only way to escape being the sea (as their slow cars would easily be caught up to on the highway) it would be better for newcomers to be able to hit Fredy's in the Suburbs and then dip into the woods.
Different type of security levels could be a thing as well where in Fredys you could steal the money and one minute later a 911 call gets made with a description where as the gun store or Jennifers has a silent alarm that is instantly triggered once a store gets robbed
i was gonna say No because of the mass amount of people gonna go for store raids, but the fact that they're has to be 4 cops+ on really makes it better, only suggestion is that instead of hour per raid, how about each store has a time limit before it can be raided, like if someone raids it, it will take a 1 hour cooldown? Either way its a good suggestion
+Support should get accepted!
If you have any reasonable way to solve 10 man raids on a store then sure. And you would have to make it so they can't hostages either, cause people visit all stores often.
If you have any reasonable way to solve 10 man raids on a store then sure. And you would have to make it so they can't hostages either, cause people visit all stores often.
Let's take out the main thing out of robbing a store, the hostage part.
Let's take out the main thing out of robbing a store, the hostage part.

When your friendly sweater collects some money to buys some good clothes and ends up getting gunpointed by 5 heavily armed men in a clothes shop I am not sure he will be very pleased.

Typically, I know it sounds fun but its already a crime city no reason to make it more. Let's keep gameplay and realism in balance.
When your friendly sweater collects some money to buys some good clothes and ends up getting gunpointed by 5 heavily armed men in a clothes shop I am not sure he will be very pleased.

Typically, I know it sounds fun but its already a crime city no reason to make it more. Let's keep gameplay and realism in balance.
Let's keep realism in balance. Raids...not check, PD raids... not check, etc.
Yeah, hostage taking isn't taken serious in PERPheads @Tilin

Either the cops are retarded and don't give a fuck.

or the criminals use the hostage for 2 mins to get flankers there and kill every cops. Only a few times out of 30 times have we had a legitamate hostage situation.
Yeah, hostage taking isn't taken serious in PERPheads @Tilin

Either the cops are retarded and don't give a fuck.

or the criminals use the hostage for 2 mins to get flankers there and kill every cops. Only a few times out of 30 times have we had a legitamate hostage situation.
yeah when we had a hostage at slums baggers just started shooting at us for no reason and then i got banned for shooting the hostage lmfao
No robbery should end in a shootout. If you are able to rob a store you should enter , grab the cash and leave immidietly. After an amount of minutes passed an alarm should ring and cops alerted. Npcs could also be used to maybe give info of the suspects?
No robbery should end in a shootout. If you are able to rob a store you should enter , grab the cash and leave immidietly. After an amount of minutes passed an alarm should ring and cops alerted. Npcs could also be used to maybe give info of the suspects?

I agree.

But, it should also be fair to the police to have a realistic chance of catching you. - Maybe have an alarm that would alert Police that are in the nearby area?

(Police dont really have a chance if the alarm goes off minutes after you have exited the store)

Having CCTV cameras outside every shop that is able to be robbed would help and maybe have it so store robberies can only be done when there is a dispatcher on? - This would allow PLPD to give warrents to the robbers and would then end in a realistic outcome IMO.
I agree.

But, it should also be fair to the police to have a realistic chance of catching you. - Maybe have an alarm that would alert Police that are in the nearby area?

(Police don't really have a chance if the alarm goes off minutes after you have exited the store)

Having CCTV cameras outside every shop that is able to be robbed would help and maybe have it so store robberies can only be done when there is a dispatcher on? - This would allow PLPD to give warrants to the robbers and would then end in a realistic outcome IMO.

Agreed it is certainly unfair for the police to catch the suspect 60 seconds afterwards unless two things...

1. they get automatically warranted as in a bank raid (less RP and less fun alternative)
2. Make it so when they step outside of the shop the alarm is activated (this because it would be unrealistic even for an NPC to activate alarm whilst under direct gunpoint or weapon point)

there are of course many more tips and smaller changes that can be made but in the beginning let us just start off here

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