Robert and +1 5.4/3.21

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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex
Your Steam/In-game Name: Callum
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Robert and 1 other person, was unable to get their name.
His/Her SteamID: Roberts: STEAM_0:1:108145691

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
5.4 City Employees
Under most circumstances, paramedics may not be killed. The exceptions to this rule are where the medic has failed to follow reasonable orders given under gunpoint. You may not kill medics who are attempting to preserve their life.
3.21 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration within roleplay situations, simply killing the NPC usually isn’t sufficient. For example is if a player is involved in a bank robbery and is visiting the hospital to receive treatment from the NPC the aforementioned player should ensure his and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.

Killed me at CH when I was backing away from them posing no harm and did so in front of 2 NPCs

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
Wasn't this when there was a huge shootout, at Shady street etc?(Need to know, to know whether I was involved or not)
I was driving my Tesla and was shooting Speedy, I drove closer with my car and I heard you giving him info (white tesla shooter) so you're giving cops information when my life is danger. I followed rule 3.6 I killed you to prevent from more cops coming after me. I was shooting cops at city hall because my org needed help. I killed like 4 cops and after that I killed you for giving information to cops.
Okay well I mean, being that there was a massive shootout etc. Which I also was involved in, NPC's wouldn't really matter as cops is already responding to that situation, and seeing how they look etc.
The shootout transfered into slums after speedy started shooting us from the city hall, Sossa killed him after Speedy killed me and stored my gun in the same time. There was nothing wrong with pushing into city hall.
Involved,you were giving information at intersection also,i shot your can once you dipped away,later i heard from sossa again that you giving information.
Never said anything about DNA, you we're calling me out on the radio giving cops my exact location.
You're also the reason Panda had died at CH, you were giving information to Speedy so he rushed him and killed him. Don't do shit like that as a medic and expect to not die.
Failed? I was there the whole time transporting weapons, you failed to leave the area my g after shots we're fired and multiple dead officers.
@The HitMan Does you brain work or? I was literally shooting cops at regals and then saw you taking DNA and you were the medic getting DNA?????
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