Robin Jansen Ban Request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Niko / Jared Fillerton

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] DutchyRobin / Robin Jansen

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89675285

Reason: 2.1/3.3 Attempted to RDM me by pushing me off a rather tall wall. Almost succeeded, though I only broke my legs and almost bled out. 3.4, as two cop cars were nearby (which obviously had cops in them), and by attempting to kill me, he could suffer life in jail, therefore putting his life at risk.

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3.4, 2.5, 2.1, 3.22 (No valid reason to stop) and 3.3 have clearly been broken here. I think the ban should be harsher as it wasn't an accident.
I will just go ahead and +Support this because it's just really dumb to try to
Push someone random guy off a cliff and there is no Roleplay at all. And aswell why did the other throw a body off? He would shit his pants IRL if he saw a dead body on the road and he would call for the cops. C'mon guys.. Keep the roleplay real realistic and don't do this stuff :/ and aswell rules broken - ( 3.4, 2.1,) and some other rules

(I will edit this when I'm on my PC as well so.)
Oh,i know this person. He had a bind (probably) and was spamming 911 just a couple weeks ago.

As much i can see in the evidence, MANY server rules has been violated.
Giving a warning to this person is a REAL Mercy. I think this person should be banned for violating many server rules.

Im gonna give +Support for this ban request and also i would like to thank you to leaving some time for make this ban request against this person, Niko.

I know Robin, and he isn't that of a harmful player.
I think he should be given a warning, not a ban.
And clearly at 1:26 of your video, you just went standing on the edge hoping he did it again.
He is a good player, just talk to him about what he did wrong and he will understand.
"Niko stood on the edge"
"Robin pushes him"
"Niko tells him to not do it"
"Niko stoods on the edge and get pushed by Robin of the highway"
"Robin yells and runs away"

+ Support total minge

"Just saying, you are not funny robin, Go back to dark rp where there is more people like you ,or change"
Well, the Demo, clearly shows Robin Jansen pushing niko, for no valid reason, with 1 officer around the area (the other one was in a pursuit he wouldn't have seen that), and he did that with the purpose of letting Niko fall and die (which he nearly had success).

@nickjedl took the decision to "protect" him, as he is his friend, saying that he does not deserve a Ban, and that, an admin, should ,instead, go speak with him, and he will understand. I don't see why should "I" speak with someone that did that for purpose, and he was aware, that doing that is not realistic and should be avoided to perform such actions.

Robin Jansen in my opinion should take a Ban. A warning is not enough to a guy that had conscience of what he was doing.


- TraxØGJ
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+Support Unrealistic, rdm, why would someone do this? -.-
+Support, I rememeber once when i was afk, A guy began attempting to push me towards the highway so i would get cdmed... (Ughh these minges) Anyways, I don't understand why anyone would do this, Just unrealistic..... Just no just support...
Your video seems to explain the story of the incident;

There were multiple LEO's passing by, and one of them parked just about near the scene. Don't make me wrong, but I guess that you risked your life after getting pushed towards the beach, instead you did not really take that into your mind but kept standing on the edge, which seems pretty risking, EVEN though you were RP'ing as a 75, it doesn't give me a reason to say it's regular RP, as my grandmother is 77, and she moves around, having gym and all that stuff, she's not dumb enough to stand on the edge of a bridge. Also you would have to RP with huge memory loss (Handicap) which actually isn't RP'ed on the server in order to be on the standard of a person who don't know much about danger.

However I can clearly see that the man Robin did break plenties of rules, so it's a Neutral

@Niko - Due to me just got holiday, depression from early week and extremely tired, I may change my support into a proper decision. Please just be a little patient, and it'll be appreciated. :shamefullyembarrased:
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Look, I didn't actually mean to push him of, I just wanted to scare him a little.
You can clearly see he stopped the youtube video after I ran to my car.
This isn't the end of the story.
I actually went screaming to my car, because I was frightened and at the same time caring.
I took my blue car and drove to the beach, where he fell. I immediately called a medic.
I even waited, until the medic was done, I was prepared to become a medic myself to fix him up.
I didn't mean to push him off, please accept my apology.
If you didn't want to push him off why push him when he is at the absolute edge of the bridge? Even though you apologized you still attempted to do it several times. If you "just wanted to scare him a little" why would you persistently do it? On top of all of this is the fact that even if you wanted to just scare and mess with him doing so is still unrealistic and quite mingey. You have been banned for three days because of this and I hope you act more seriously in the future.
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