Ar Robin

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: (And my STEAM ID)
Slayerduck / Joe Baggers

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

Robin Ljungberg /STEAM_0:0:61764163

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

3.3, 3.4, 1.1

Copied from because it deserves its own AR.

Allow me to put some insight from my perspective. I'll break them up in small chunks, easy to consume and understand.
@Liam afaik did not break any rules, so this evidence is pointed towards Robin

In this first vid you'll see that the people in apartment 4 gunpoint the officer and indeed try to take him hostage. Now here comes to thing Robin, you say you want to help this cop. You're already breaking 3.3 and 3.4. Why would you, as a criminal that has his entire apartment stuffed with drugs help the cops is beyond me. You die in the process just seconds after you gun me down amplifying the fact its 3.4

This the second vid this is where we both spawn and you call me a retard. "Stop acting so fucking retarded" and "You are a retard tbh" so we'll just put this onto the 1.1 tab

In the 3rd vid we both lose our NLR times and run up our apartments, you peek into apartment 4 before heading down to your own apartment. Just a few min later you try to gun us down trough the ceiling resulting into me bleeding and fleeing from regals. You either metagaming, breaking NLR/trying to revenge RDM.

@Robin Ljungberg
@Liam afaik did not break any rules, so this evidence is pointed towards Robin

In this first vid you'll see that the people in apartment 4 gunpoint the officer and indeed try to take him hostage. Now here comes to thing Robin, you say you want to help this cop. You're already breaking 3.3 and 3.4. Why would you, as a criminal that has his entire apartment stuffed with drugs help the cops is beyond me. You die in the process just seconds after you gun me down amplifying the fact its 3.4

  • Robin shouldn’t be held responsible as he wasn’t in charge or had any influence on the situation
  • You was in fact also a part of this crime as you broke law 8.5. If you wanted to help the officer, you should have reported it to the police instead of shooting him and risking jail time.
  • I’m quite sure that you doesn’t mean 3.3 but 2.1. 3.3 is when you do an unrealistic ACTION (mostly physical) like you did at 3:34 in the third video you posted when you jump down the stairs in a very unrealistic manner.

This the second vid this is where we both spawn and you call me a retard. "Stop acting so fucking retarded" and "You are a retard tbh" so we'll just put this onto the 1.1 tab

  • In this video there is minor rulebreak on both sides. You shouldn’t have used the voice chat for OOC matters (rule 3.24) just like Robin shouldn’t have called you “retarded” even though he was upset at that point.

In the 3rd vid we both lose our NLR times and run up our apartments, you peek into apartment 4 before heading down to your own apartment. Just a few min later you try to gun us down trough the ceiling resulting into me bleeding and fleeing from regals. You either metagaming, breaking NLR/trying to revenge RDM.

  • In the third video at 3:14 you said “Aw, my glock is gone”. By doing so you are referring to something from you previous life as seen in video one. Meaning that you broke rule 3.5.
  • At 3:20 your friend said, “Im gonna go kill them”. This means that he both broke 3.5 and gives Liam and his a good reason to act on this.

    This also explains why Liam said at the third min of the video, “Come kill us then”. (If he heard it)

And here comes the bonus vid, where i paint the walls red with your blood/brains. You weren't gunned down trough the floor.

Is up to Robin if he wants to make an AR for this. I my opinion you broke 3.4.
It would not take more than a click on a panic bottom or a CCTV camera seeing you vehicle driving away, for the police to catch you. Meaning that you in my opinion broke 3.4 and 2.1.

There is some unrealistic actions but I don't think enough to form an action request here. I really do recommend both sides (as I see minor rule infringement on both sides here) to make sure they are more cautious in the future.

Thank you.
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