Rogga's Second Ban Appeal.

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Reaction score
Paralake Police Department Cell 7
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Sorle
How long were you banned for: 1 Month

Your Steam Name
: Rogga
Your In-game Name: DeShawn Mendez
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42747555

Why were you banned/blacklisted: I killed 2 innocent people within a period of time and disconnected. (Lagged Out)

Why should this appeal be considered: I fully understand why I was banned at the time and respect if this appeal is not accepted. I just believe that in my part I was on 7 frames per. I have a video to show and even in the video it does look purposely, but I will explain the video. Tiny edited this video and told me to re-appeal with the evidence.

The people I killed, I haven't been told who they are but I really want to apologize. @luke5763

I love this server and play daily, I wouldn't want to ruin it for anybody else or myself on purpose.

I really do apologise to those affected with my mistakes.

Additional Comment(s):

You can see when I run the first guy over he was in the middle of the road, I could of pressed [SPACE] to stop but instead, I swerved as my PC was already bad for frame-rate at this point. My game stop's responding and I crash as seen in the video.. When my game loads back in I drive to the City Garage to make a U turn to drive back and call an ambulance for the victim, Following road laws. When im in city garage, you can again see me crash for a couple of seconds. When I kill him, you see me instantly crash and lag out. (When I stop)

I crashed for about 20 seconds until I hit CTRL + ALT + DEL to try to close the program, and I do. Then I restart the game up, become the same job to recreate the role-play as quick as I can but before I can I am banned.

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