Romeo Kumi

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rasclart hq
Hello everyone of the community of PERPHeads, I'm Romeo Kumi. Also known as rxsm, also known as the owner of KUMI-415.

I'm making this goodbye post due to the fact I've been permanently banned from the server, the reason being "Cheating but lame", and in the post I'd like to clear up the ban reason to stop any misunderstandings.

So what I did was join a discord call with a friend who was actively cheating on the server, and he was screensharing. I decided to start watching said screenshare and raid one of my friends while using his ESP to find where he was, which was a major mistake and shouldn't have been done at all. Just to clear up the facts for people who are claiming they "knew I was cheating" etc etc. I never used any third party software/hacks on PERPheads. But yeah. It was a stupid mistake that ended in a permanent ban for me, which hopefully I will be able to appeal some-time next year but I'll most likely still be active on forums/discord/teamspeak to play valorant or whatever but yeah, felt like clearing it up. :D

I'll see you all around hopefully

P.S This is where I fell in the perp rabbithole