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Reaction score
Your in-game name: Fatima oka something

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38818253

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was inside the Hungriges schwein just chilling when some scrubs said that there was a loose coke pot laying around that belonged to no one. I took it because I was poor. I took it when no one was watching it was behind a fence and behind a counter at hungriges in the back corner. I was sure that no one saw me picking it up to be sure. Around 20 minutes after Ryan Harris gunpointed me and asked why I took the pot. I then noticed later that Aaron showed the logs in looc that I took the pot so I guess that he metagamed it. He then gunpointed me and forced me to transfer 6k to @MrAaron bank account or to drop my ak. I sent the money to his account to continue the RP and after I sent it he killed me. this breaks this lovely rule I think
and maybe 5.1

If this gets accepted I'd like my full AK-47 and 6k back. Might not be much but I'm a peasant
Evidence: dont have it on this pc will upload later if needed and @MrAaron

Tick: will post later
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Typically, for a refund to be accepted a punishment should be given before making the refund request. You should really make an action request, to back up the refund request. Or if this was dealt with in-game, I recommend telling Aaron to tell his side of the story.
Everyone in the organisation didn't admit to the drugs being stolen, obviously it wasn't them. Upon questioning you, you came out with bland responses and pretty much stood their.
Obviously we thought it was you, you was either forced into dropping your AK-47 or an option to send me the cash which wasn't forced.

If you feel it was still "forced" make an AR on Bajar.

Until an Action Request is made and resolved this Refund Request cannot be resolved.
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