Rule about vip / premium selling?

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Topic: VIP / PREMIUM selling

Short explanation (in notes):
There should be rule like "VIP can be only sold for 150k (or any other high amount)"

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Because its just idiotic when people sell VIP for 60K - 75k you can actually grow drugs and do such amount in few hours.
vip sellers would be much happier.
players maybe not..

P.S: People should be allowed to sell for the amount they want to.
People should be able to decide this themselves, you wanting to earn more money from selling premium and having this accepted for your gain is rubbish. If people would have to use twice the amount of time to earn the money for premium, it would be a huge negative effect, the community is currently recieving a sustainable amount of donations, from what I know, and there's really no complaints, if people are in need of money IG and decide to spend their IRL funds to earn some rather than to grow, I see nothing wrong with that.

Oh, this is in the wrong section btw as you should post this kind of rules in the rules & laws discussion.
Yeah sure do that and decrease the amount of donations alot so you can earn easier money.

Its not 'idiotic' to sell VIP at the prices you mentioned, that has been the average price of VIP for a while now and there have been no complaints. It's up to the VIP seller to choose the price at which they sell their donation - after all its their money.
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