Rule Amendments and Updated F1 Tabs: 01/08/2016

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Rule Amendments 01/08/2016

Oh lord another one?
Some pretty good points were raised in the Rules Discussion thread and we felt that the chat and some other things weren't properly covered by the rules. Below is a brief changelog and a picture of the newly edited rules.

In addition to some new rules the F1 menu help sections have been updated, please note that the FAQ is still being updated. If you have any suggestions or you've spotted a mistake feel free to reply to this thread or PM me directly. They can be seen here: FAQ Chat Help

2.2 Voice Chat
  • Clarified when Voice Chat should be used (partly suggested by @Allen Kennedy)
2.9 Text Chat
  • New rule, states that it is now against the rule to misuse various chat functions. Also references the Chat help.
3.19 Evading Arrest
  • Reworded to Eliminate some confusion, shortened to hopefully make it simpler.
3.21 Non-Player Characters
  • Clarified what is meant by 'treated as regular players' and added that Killing NPCs doesn't always qualify as 'taking into consideration' (Partially suggested by @lelios1)
4 City Employee Rules
  • Renamed to 'City' employee in order to include taxi driver and courier to accommodate new rule. Just to clear things up ALL jobs are city employees but not all city employees are government employees, (see the definitions section of the rules for clarification)
4.2 SWAT Officer
  • Changed the last sentence to apply to more than just the Mayor.
  • Specified when it's appropriate for SWAT to deploy (Suggested by @Chrissy :beef:)
4.10 Taxi Driver and Courier
  • New rule to clarify some things regarding these two jobs
  • They must carry out their duty to the best of their abilities at all time
  • Must follow the law at all times (no more running red lights and carrying guns)
  • Must not use their abilities for their own gain (using courier to bypass max items and weight limit)
5.6 Kidnapping
  • Renamed rule - Everything the old rule covered regarding taking hostages still applies
  • It is now explicitly against the rules to kidnap someone with the sole intent of mugging them, for example offering someone a lift just to mug them. This was added to combat the barrier and toxic attitude towards new player seeking a lift The intention of the Development team for muggings is that they should happen if a player is wilfully in a shady place, not forced there in a vehicle.
Below are the full rules written (red parts are new or edited parts of the rules):


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Parts Unknown
  • It is now explicitly against the rules to kidnap someone with the sole intent of mugging them, for example offering someone a lift just to mug them. This was added to combat the barrier and toxic attitude towards new player seeking a lift The intention of the Development team for muggings is that they should happen if a player is wilfully in a shady place, not forced there in a vehicle.

You contradict yourself, or are you implying players seeking a lift are forced in the vehicle? I'm personally not a mugger but i don't agree with this rule change. Its not needed as its already 2.5 to mug new players.

Besides, i can still rape em if they jump into my pink van. Much more fun then mugging :)
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South Wales, United Kingdom
Some really nice rules have been added here. Also some really good cleaning up on some of there descriptions. They are alot better and easier to understand now and i'm glad that they have been cleared up a bit more so new players can understand their meaning.
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Great Britain
What if I kidnap them but, don't mug them?

As the rule states Player(s) may only kidnap another player if it is absolutely necessary and benefits the player to such an extent that it outweighs the risks. You should only kidnap someone if it's necessary to.

Well that's no fun. So much for revenge but not really revenge.
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