- Staff
- #1

as a result of the most recent admin meeting, some minor rule changes have taken place to address some recently raised issues. Please take some time to familiarise yourselves with them here.
- Raid
Trespassing on or successfully breaking into an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside.
Note: This means that people who break their crowbars/lockpicks and leave, or people who die whilst lockpicking have not raided unless their raiding party successfully makes it in after their death (see: "assisting" terminology in 5.3). This is to clear up confusion and inconsistencies in enforcement.
- 3.9 Placing Props
Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Government Issued Police Barricades and Cones. Defence props may only be placed within the confines of buildings contained within owned properties. Props may also be placed in public areas as long as they are benefiting roleplay and are not obstructing anything. Under no circumstances should defence props other than metal detectors be placed in public or government buildings.
Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun. A maximum of three spotlights may be concentrated on a particular area.
- 3.24 Staying In-Character
Players are prohibited from bringing out-of-character information into in-character gameplay. Out of character information is defined as any information that would not be realistically accessible to your character. Common examples include:
- Discussing server rules during roleplay situations
- Viewing illegal substances through walls or objects
- Discussing ongoing in-character situations in out-of-character chat
- Using video clips in-character without taking proper measures (e.g using a phone with a /me), except when used in Supervisor situations to address misconduct.
- 4.5 The Mayor
The Mayor may not add-to, remove-from, and/or modify the Paralake Penal Code. In addition to this, the Mayor may not stay in the Police Department or Casino for an extended period of time. When hiding from prospective danger, Mayors are expected to do so realistically and in sensible locations.
Note: This is to prevent Mayors from trapping themselves behind rocks or idling in trees and similarly unrealistic things as their primary hiding spot. This does not mean that Mayors can not use rocks and trees in cover during gunfights, but does mean that Mayors need to pick realistic and sensible hiding spots.
- 5.2 Forced Withdrawals
In order to help preserve gameplay, players may not attempt to force other players to withdraw funds from an ATM/transfer funds from the mobile banking application from their phone. In addition, players may not force other players to withdraw items from their storage boxes/trunks, unless they are lawfully searching a storage container under Section 3 of the Paralake Penal Code. The other exemption is that players may force others to withdraw money or items when their belongings have been stolen, damaged/destroyed due to another player’s actions or negligence, taken via scamming, or loaned to, by the player who refuses to return the belongings.
Note: This does not mean you can force withdraw money off someone if you are at fault in a crash or similar. For situations that result in a low monetary loss, refer to rule 3.4 to decide whether or not forcing a withdrawal on what is usually a public road would benefit you enough to outweigh the risks of being caught.