Rule Suggestion (3.20 Disconnecting from the Server)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.20 Disconnecting from the Server
Suggestion Description: I was raiding one time and me and my friends came upon a base with lots of drugs. We extracted them to our own base just above or below and waited for them to finish. However the guy defending had rage quit as soon as we killed him and took 2 big planters. I ended up talking to the staff about this and complaining about this player doing such thing because as you may know planters go back into your storage after you leave. So because he left the loot we had fairly obtained had now poofed before it was at 100% so we can collect our earnings. This is totally unfair and is a cheap way of using a loophole where if the user doesn't join back it's ok to even though the player just basically made the raider lose his earnings in an unrealistic way.

I can't think of a possible fix other than making it so if a planter is growing it can't disappear until it is harvested, even if the player has left the server 20 minutes ago or 30 minutes ago. If the player is out of the server it will disappear instantly after harvesting to avoid replanting to reset the trigger.

Why should this be added?:
-  Realism
- Fix the loophole
- Raiders keep loot
- Police can actually discover drugs
- Player abusing mechanic to get revenge on raider

What negatives could this have?:
-None that I can think of.
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