Rule Suggestion (3.23 Placing Drugs)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.23 Placing Drugs
Suggestion Description: To allow the transportation of drug planters in a tailgate or in a van the rule would have to be rewritten like this:
"Players may place drugs in tailgates of pickup trucks and in the back of vans, regardless of whether these vehicles are parked on public areas or not. However, drugs may not be placed in areas that are not accessible without jumping or crouching, unless they are being actively transported in a timely manner. In any other case, drugs may not be placed in public areas as defined under section 1 of the Paralake Penal Code."

Why should this be added?:
Currently this rule disallows of having planters with drugs in the tailgate of a pickup truck which I would consider a fun roleplay mechanic, you can roleplay as a hippie who is giving away drugs and wants to legalize them. Obviously he would eventually get arrested by the police but it would be a fun roleplay scene. I think the reason for this rule is that you can't place planters on top of other props which would make access to the planters difficult for police or raiders and I believe that should still be enforced. The rule also talks about placing drugs on public property, I think that shouldn't be enforce by the server rules and the moderators but rather by the in-game police and if the police notices they can arrest you for the possession and creation of drugs.

What negatives could this have?:
One negative I can come up is that drug growers could escape the police with a fast car with the planters but right now they could harvest them and still escape so it really doesn't matter and eventually the police will get them.
I assume you made this in response to being told off by Dave yesterday.

Your suggestion also contradicts itself.

One negative would also be people including pickup trucks in their base defences (parker, glass co, morons) and growing drugs in them.

You are still allowed to transport drugs from places you raided, you just can't leave them in the car to finish growing, and you need to unload them somewhere asap.

You can grow drugs in public, exceptions are public properties (City Hall, PD, Casino, Monorail stations, etc.)

There is a completely viable option of forest growing.
Understandable, you gave some good points. I guess we got to sacrifice some fun because people would find loopholes to exploit. You can close this as denied, thank you!
Closed upon request.

you can roleplay as a hippie who is giving away drugs and wants to legalize them.
You could still do this by just taking out stuff out of the pickup and having them on a market table or ground for example.
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