Server Suggestion Planters force upright change

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Suggestion Title: Planters force upright change
Suggestion Description: Make it so planter boxes are only forced upright when they are actively growing, and that pausing them allows them to be flipped.

This update was done to combat both forest growing being almost undetectable unless you walk into the forest and look concisely, and to stop people doing the same but inside bases so their drugs would grow downwards and be invisible to anyone who wasn’t metagaming the existence of a planter meaning drugs.

This came with the massive negative effect that this update only allows vehicles to hold 1 planter safely, easily and properly without risk of it falling out as the planters now spin inside vehicles. This makes transporting drugs a massive nightmare and encourages civilians to just stay on scene of a raided / warranted property until their batch is done, allowing cops to return in 10 minutes.

I believe that whilst planter boxes are paused they should be movable as if they are normal props and the rules of gravity should actually apply to them. Anyone who would abuse this mechanic would be easy to deal with and would gain more trouble than it’s really worth in doing so.

Why should this be added?:
- makes “Crims should leave quickly from crime scenes” Less of an impossible scenario.
- Makes sense.
- QoL
- Low Potential for abuse.

What negatives could this have?:
- maybe possible chance of having a new prop launch method? (Metal detector one will always remain on top for this)
- Seems like an idea that’s so perfect that it would have already been done if so.
its really annoying when you want to transport the drugs its hard to take more than 2 plants in 1 van