Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

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Suggestion Topic: 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Suggestion Description: So i'm not actually sure if this is a part of this rule, but I have a situation that I think needs to be discussed. I was delivering weed with two other individuals, one of which had a gun and so did I, both on our backs or concealed. Another individual came up behind us and told us to put our hands up, we turned around and I shot him first. Now I understand the fear rp aspect of gmodrp, and how important it is. I understand how in a situation where there's three people with no weapons, and one with one mugging them you cant resist, same with one with a melee weapon with one mugger with a pistol or any other assortment of fear rp playing out. But that being said, we (while no serious actions were taken against us) got in trouble for violating rule 3.4, to be honest I find this a bit disheartening. In every other gmod rp server I have played on in the past, fear rp was taken as a complex situation, not an overarching write off to do crime. If there are multiple people, especially multiple c r i m i n a l s, it shouldn't against the server rules whatsoever for people to risk their life to fight back if it seems winnable, and for the protection of their friends and drug goods. While the situation I had is minor and debatable, one mugger with a pistol versus three dealers, one unarmed, one with a shotgun, and one with a concealed pistol, the situation as it was can be troublesom. Imagine that same scenario but its one person with a pistol equipped and seven people with assault rifles on their backs, the fact that the one with the pistol gets to rob seven people with assault rifles just because he had his firearm equipped is frankly ludicrous, breaks the immersion of the rp, and I'm sure overall creates an unnecessary hassle for your mod team as anyone whos played a gmod rp server will be tripped up by this rule. I'm not asking for any kind of compensation, scrub of the ticket, or the gun we took back, I'm just asking for clarification on if this is in fact a part of rule 3.4, and a suggestion that if it is it is changed immediately. As a last message, I think that the act of holding a gun out to override this issue (which is illegal to do in mugging spots even) is using a game mechanic that has no real life precedent.

Why should this be added?:
It would make muggings not an instant success and allow for more true to real life criminal encounters

What negatives could this have?:
- I can honestly see none, people will complain about rule 3.4 anyway, i think if anything this would lessen the complaints
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next time make sure one of you have your gun in passive stance when selling, that way he can defend himself and kill the mugger!
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next time make sure one of you have your gun in passive stance when selling, that way he can defend himself and kill the mugger!
Fair enough, but thats just in my circumstance, this idea extends to circumstances where its illegal to run around with a gun equipped I believe
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United Kingdom
Fair enough, but thats just in my circumstance, this idea extends to circumstances where its illegal to run around with a gun equipped I believe
It's also illegal to sell drugs, as curak mentioned hold the pistol in passive then if you get gunpoint you can raise it to shoot, or you'll be killed with no warning but hey, least you still got your drugs/money
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Always have a gun in hand then at dd
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Not really sure how it breaks immersion, if you’re held at gunpoint and try to take a gun there’s a good chance you’re going to get shot and would not manage to get it out.

Regardless if there’s 7 of you or not, you’re supposed to value your own life.
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Berlin, Germany

Even though there were several of you, whilst you're still in a player's line of sight and do not have a gun in your hands already, drawing, then attempting to raise and fire a gun is a much lengthier process for you than it is for the other person to aim and shoot. This means that by doing so, you are putting your life at considerable risk, and are thus breaking 3.4.

If your group is so large or spread out that he can not physically keep everyone in his line of sight, whoever is not in his line of sight may attempt to defend themselves. That being said, the users who it would still be a considerable risk for, may not.
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