Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding
Suggestion Description: Limit the amount of frag grenades used in a raid to like 2 or 3, discuss the number

Why should this be added?:
- Abuse of too many frags
- Unrealistic, no way in a "simple" house break in anyone would have more than 2 grenades,
- I believe everyone who's played as a defender/PD when aloo is on knows why this suggestion makes sense
- Having a group of 6 people all with 2 nades each makes the game unplayable,
- More balanced aspect to the game, dying whenever you try to climb up the stairs, or raid or something alike and being thrown a nade your way isn't balanced after all

What negatives could this have?:
- Criminal mains will complain if this becomes a thing
- Grenades won't be used as much making the market for them die
I personally think its fine how it is, You can only carry 2 nades on you at a time (How it used to be anyway) which is fair, its only when people go into storage constantly to grab more
I personally think its fine how it is, You can only carry 2 nades on you at a time (How it used to be anyway) which is fair, its only when people go into storage constantly to grab more
Yeah thing is one person can carry 2 nades, but now imagine a group of 4 doing that, and then going back to storage to get more, it's surreal that there's no limit on such a powerful weapon
I personally think its fine how it is, You can only carry 2 nades on you at a time (How it used to be anyway) which is fair, its only when people go into storage constantly to grab more
Yes but there are people who raid in group of for example 4 raiders and each raider have 2 grenades which results in 8 grenades thrown in a raid..
Nades are like 3.5k to craft then mk11 nades are just over 4k. They raised the price of them a few months back
alright its 4k but people do have like millions... or 500k so 8k for 2 grenades per person
They’re expensive items that are hard to come by, are so stupidly limited in carrying and take a lot of practice, patience and luck to use effectively.

They’re also a viable excuse to actually push out when cops camp entrances.

They make the game arguably a better experience for all players and the advantage they truly offer boils down to user skill. They also come with the immense risk that the user has to stay alive when throwing it and ensure they throw it perfectly under pressure otherwise themselves and their friends are all dead.

I see no reason to limit them further than they are, being limited to 2 in your inventory in the same slot a bomb sits in is already bad enough, we used to be able to carry like 5 Alongside a bomb until that got taken from us.
Abuse of too many frags
the frag are not really powerfull atlest for the inpact
Unrealistic, no way in a "simple" house break in anyone would have more than 2 grenades,
no one can hold more than 2 if they get more that mean they use there own storage
- I believe everyone who's played as a defender/PD when aloo is on knows why this suggestion makes sense
how would 4 people deal with 20 cop and 5 tfu ?? + i pay for them + i think im the one who only use that big amount of nades
Having a group of 6 people all with 2 nades each makes the game unplayable,
that will never happened and it never happened at lest with me i dont take 2 nades on me most of the time (6 people with 2 nades each)
- Grenades won't be used as much making the market for them die
not much of people use them at lest now
Yeah thing is one person can carry 2 nades, but now imagine a group of 4 doing that, and then going back to storage to get more, it's surreal that there's no limit on such a powerful weapon
as i said at lest for me never see 4 people and everyone of them with 2 nade that never happened

1.people dont use them cus of high cost and low effict (the nade make sound and u have to cock it it might explode on u or when u throw it wrong way) will make the plpd more OP cant fight 20 cops and 5 tfu with 4 people i should use nade to try to win but most of the time i lose

3. it cost 4k to craft it and it might dont kill anyone (1 of 3 nade it get kills) + useing then dose not mean u will win

4. you can try to raid someone while there is above 90 people on server and use nades trust me at the end u will lose

5. useing more than 5 nades mean u spend 20k on nades and the out come of the raid might not be proft

6. i think this suggestion is because of me i dont think anyone use the nade same as me
It’s silly if there’s a imposed carry limit of 2 and you can just simply run back into your property only to spam more of them, you could easily do this with a friend also holding off whilst you restock on another 2 nades in your storage
It’s silly if there’s a imposed carry limit of 2 and you can just simply run back into your property only to spam more of them, you could easily do this with a friend also holding off whilst you restock on another 2 nades in your storage
see you kind of getting it, but the thing is everyone here's has a sweet spot for spamming grenades on a solo player basing hence why the suggestions getting mowed by downvotes, i wasn't sure if it was worth making it and it went exactly how i thought it will lol, it's just unlogical how it's unlimited, even a higher limit would be okay just as long as there's any limit
I think the spammability of grenades comes from their price rather than the amount you can hold. In the grand scheme of thing $4000 for a grenade isn't that much. Maybe they could be made more expensive, but if you're up against a large group of raiders you should expect it to be difficult either way.
see you kind of getting it, but the thing is everyone here's has a sweet spot for spamming grenades on a solo player basing hence why the suggestions getting mowed by downvotes, i wasn't sure if it was worth making it and it went exactly how i thought it will lol, it's just unlogical how it's unlimited, even a higher limit would be okay just as long as there's any limit
your suggestion is built on me becuse not so many people who use the nades and as i said the price is high + big risk for useing it + might not be good advantage because of the sound it make
the frag are not really powerfull atlest for the inpact

no one can hold more than 2 if they get more that mean they use there own storage

how would 4 people deal with 20 cop and 5 tfu ?? + i pay for them + i think im the one who only use that big amount of nades

that will never happened and it never happened at lest with me i dont take 2 nades on me most of the time (6 people with 2 nades each)

not much of people use them at lest now

as i said at lest for me never see 4 people and everyone of them with 2 nade that never happened

1.people dont use them cus of high cost and low effict (the nade make sound and u have to cock it it might explode on u or when u throw it wrong way) will make the plpd more OP cant fight 20 cops and 5 tfu with 4 people i should use nade to try to win but most of the time i lose

3. it cost 4k to craft it and it might dont kill anyone (1 of 3 nade it get kills) + useing then dose not mean u will win

4. you can try to raid someone while there is above 90 people on server and use nades trust me at the end u will lose

5. useing more than 5 nades mean u spend 20k on nades and the out come of the raid might not be proft

6. i think this suggestion is because of me i dont think anyone use the nade same as me
20 cop and 5 TFU is a very very rare sight, most situations have like 10 pistol cops, and up to 3 TFU, even if there's more than said number, if they're all one one stairs in a complex 1 single grenade is enough to kill half the PD and the whole TFU.
4k is nothing for a thing which can delete the whole PD.
You can't complain about the price when you're willing to spend 25k for a gun with a sight, or even bigger amounts depending if you want more guns and ammo and shit, it's literally the easiest way to kill the whole PD and the cheapest.
I've told you this suggestion isn't specifically about you, yes nobody uses nades quite like you do but it worries me that people will start to use it as you do, it's gonna turn to absolute chaos then, the fact that there's no limit on something so powerful is so mind blowing, like make the limit 10, 15, 20, like that's even better than being able to use unlimited amount of nades.
your suggestion is built on me becuse not so many people who use the nades and as i said the price is high + big risk for useing it + might not be good advantage because of the sound it make
Again, i dont know why you think this suggestion was built on you when it wasn't, i dont give a crap about what you do when you play, while you always comment how I am a cop main and how that's bad, which is another thing to speak about.
It's not really big risk, you just equip it, click 2 clicks and throw, anyone with half a brain could use it, the sound is unheard when the radio's going off, the shots are going off, it's quite literally impossible to be heard on the police side, but I do see it as being a con on the criminal side
see you kind of getting it, but the thing is everyone here's has a sweet spot for spamming grenades on a solo player basing hence why the suggestions getting mowed by downvotes, i wasn't sure if it was worth making it and it went exactly how i thought it will lol, it's just unlogical how it's unlimited, even a higher limit would be okay just as long as there's any limit
The suggestion isnt being spam downvoted by grenade spammers because I can only name 2 off of the top of my head.

Raiders, rules wise and gameplay mechanic wise, are already at a massive disadvantage without granting them more reason for people who want to start raiding an impossible learning curve in developing skill and tactics.

Just because something is powerful and effective doesn’t mean it needs to be banned, if anything developing a tactic for dealing with waves of players and levelling the playing field when outnumbered critically is a welcome strategy.

Even the bomb rule is kind of stupid to me as the problem was people spamming bombs on smaller properties and the solution was to hard limit it with all properties. I can double bomb a hicktown trailer occupied by a single player with a double barrelled shotgun but I can’t bomb all 4 glass co entrances whilst it’s occupied by 10 players elaborately positioned around the 2 smallest entrances with a labrynth of barricades and makeshift walls. Let’s not make this unnecessarily difficult further, bad enough that a super car is basically a right of passage seeing as there’s more bases than raiding parties and given the map population and raid limit most bases are making huge profit before they lose a raid anyways.
most situations have like 10 pistol cops, and up to 3 TFU
how do you want from 4-6 people to deal with the amount (tfu have x2 guy heal)
complex 1 single grenade is enough to kill half the PD and the whole TFU
that why the police officers hold out side for flanker and there must be gap between first tfu and second tfu
4k is nothing for a thing which can delete the whole PD.
again dont be stuck to each other as my friend mentioned @Megasaw
You can't complain about the price when you're willing to spend 25k for a gun with a sight, or even bigger amounts depending if you want more guns and ammo and shit, it's literally the easiest way to kill the whole PD and the cheapest.
when i pay for gun 25k-50k i can use it again while the nade i can use it 1 time and it might kill or it might not because it make sound and people can her it
it will wipe the pd if they are dumb and it will be skill issue for the plpd why they are all on stears ?
It's not really big risk, you just equip it, click 2 clicks and throw, anyone with half a brain could use it, the sound is unheard when the radio's going off, the shots are going off,
if you didnt cock the nade it wont explode you have to cock it then throw it and if you really want to get high kills you should throw it on cops because there is no effect if they are away with 5 meters with frag but if you use the impact nade u have to throw it less than 2 meters
Again, i dont know why you think this suggestion was built on you when it wasn't
is there anyone else spam more than 2 nades ?
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