Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding
Suggestion Description: If you are apart of an active raid or have already fired your weapon you must keep it out and not go incognito to wait for more combat.

Why should this be added?:
- Prevents people from power gaming and pretending to be afk- prevents people from acting like a sweater who is just a minge when in reality they want to kill you- Lets people know a raid is still ongoing if they heard shots but dont see people with guns

What negatives could this have?:
- People no longer get to hide and pretend they are not raiders to cops.

Im posting this suggestion because of this
The guy in the clip had an assault rifle, it’s not like he hid that up his arse.

At what point would raiders be allowed to unequip their gun?

This suggestion would mean you can’t get in your car at all, when is the raid over?

What happens when police turn up as you are leaving?

How do drag planters if you can’t unequip your gun?

How do you zip tie hostages?

How do you search hostages?

Sorry but this suggestion is just a lesson to securing the scene and approaching with caution, if there’s a load of dead officers upon arrival, they are probably out of the apartment.
Now that is interesting. So the gun didn't show up on his back because he rejoined and instantly decided to continue the raid...
Well this is interesting, the player in the clip was inside Slums and disconnected, then rejoined there...

(the player has been contacted)
The guy in the clip had an assault rifle, it’s not like he hid that up his arse.

At what point would raiders be allowed to unequip their gun?

This suggestion would mean you can’t get in your car at all, when is the raid over?

What happens when police turn up as you are leaving?

How do drag planters if you can’t unequip your gun?

How do you zip tie hostages?

How do you search hostages?

Sorry but this suggestion is just a lesson to securing the scene and approaching with caution, if there’s a load of dead officers upon arrival, they are probably out of the apartment.
I am not arguing the semantics onto actual noticeable raiders or noticeable crimes. I am arguing on the non obvious ones.
it could also just be a bug or at most he probably crashed. My buddy @daZai would never abuse dc hes a sportsman
I was trying to put stopsound in console to make the loud ass car alarm shut up but I had retry which caused me to rejoin..........:penguin:

Are you in any way biased because of affiliation with @daZai?
Selrahc you might be the living embodiment of taking a shit. No i am not biased, im rivals with his org and dont speak to dazai at all. You literally just got outplayed and are still crying, idk why you're taking it this far. You died, then went on forums to make a suggestion in a hurry bc you got outplayed, instead of just dying and then think "ok i died, i lost nothing since im a literal cop. The only thing i lost is 3 min of my time". What makes this even funnier is the fact that you're still trying to make this a valid suggestion even though its absolutely gonna get denied, wasting all this energi for nothing while you could be on perp and try to improve your gamesense.
This suggestion is retarded regardless of what rule abuses caused it. You're basically saying "raids have to be done this way" and no other way. Using concealable weapons / being a bit sneaky are perfectly viable tactics.

Let people do silly things!!!!!! Stop trying to make everything easy to discern!!!!!! Let minges grab guns if no one is watching and let raiders do a little bit of stealth. It's good for the game.

No community support, plus civs and cops alike have options to contain their shootouts and raids so this isn't a problem
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