Rule Suggestion (5.6 Kidnapping)

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Suggestion Topic: 5.6 Kidnapping
Suggestion Description: Lately, I have seen many hostage situations, that were initiated, with the hostage treated as an asset, to kill 1-2 police officers, and not in a purpose of actually carrying out a hostage situation as intended. Such like:

In my opinion, this is not a way it would be played out IRL. One person, with a pistol, calling out a hostage situation, in order to kill one or two officers, and "Increase their chances of fleeing the police". IRL the hostage taker would definately negotiate, and I belive that free passage would definately increase the chances of escaping much more, than killing officers.

My suggestion is adding to the rule: "Taking a hostage, with a sole purpose of initiating a shootout with the police is not permitted". As the hostage takers, should definately try to negotiate, rather than shoot that CPL, SGT or TFU officer dealing with the hostage situation, as this would definately not increase the chances as much, as negotiating free passage.

In some cases it might even be seen as 3.4, as 1 guy with a pistol, has no chance to overcome several officers, however it is kind of permitted, as 9.4 is violent crime.

The charges for 9.4 are not as harsh as 9.2 or 9.5, that is onlny 4y 3k so I belive it should be considered not to allow suspects immediately open fire at the police.

Why should this be added?:
- Making hostages assets for negotiating, rather than creating a bloodbath
- Adding more realism to hostage situations
- Reduced number of a massive shootout between police and hostage takers, when hostages are still held hostage

What negatives could this have?:
- More complicated work for staff, dealing with complex situtaions like that.
Won't this make no one want to ever take a hostage? There is no negotiating with police to give up the hostage and go about the day with no charges, 10k and a heli to escape in. Ever since I've been back on the server, I was disappointed that hostage situations are not nearly as common as they used to be, having not seen one since. This rule being put in place would prevent RP situations from taking place and could have many people punished for various split-second decisions.
If you were to change hostage negotiations to this, it would nullify the uncertainty of a hostage negotiation and remove an avenue of opportunity for criminals entirely. Forcing people down one path is not the way to go here, and certainly not with hostages. You'd start seeing Nopixel levels of hostage negotiation where the cops are pretty much 100% relaxed cause they're just waiting for the exchange before they can start pursuing. It's boring, no thanks. I'd rather die to a hostage situation because a criminal saw an opportunity rather than always have one outcome.

Good hostage situations are the ones where the exchange actually happens and nobody else is hurt. Sure, maybe you let the hostage taker go but you can pursue them later. The uncertainty makes hostage situations fun, so if you know that it always has to happen a certain way, where's the fun?
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