Hostage Situations Guide
This guide will be outlining what should happen during a hostage situation and how it should be dealt with. I will also be using a handy image I found on google regarding a hostage situation at a subs house and what should happen; just apply the information I give to any building in Para lake. Let me stress the point this isn't an official guide this is just what I believe should happen.
Perimeter & Negotiator :
A perimeter should be set around the whole situation this should contain unranked officer and senior officers and if possible one corporal to lead the officer on the perimeter. After a perimeter is set the best thing to do is pick one negotiator normally a high ranking officer, best would be a sergeant+ as they are very aware of laws and especially law 4.5. Their should be one and one only Negotiator to make things simple and make sure their is no miscommunication during the situation.
It is the officers job that has been give the duty of being the negotiator to decide weather the hostage is safe with the hostage takers. Things that may suggest the hostage isn't safe with the hostage takers are:
- Hostage clearly requires medical attention and hostage takers are refusing to give
- Hostage is staving to death or is dying of dehydration
- Hostages are shooting at the police therefore, showing no care for the hostages life
- Dead people inside the house, this could possible suggest the hostage takers have no care for human life effectively meaning no care for the hostages life.
-Hostage takers are refusing to show the hostage possible meaning the hostage is dead or at risk of being majorly injured and for the hostages sake action should take place straight away.
- Threatening the hostage/cops in a way which is believed they have friends coming resulting in the hostages safety being at a large risk.
They aren't all the things a negotiator should be looking for but the main ones which indicate the hostage isn't safe, meaning by any means necessary action should be taken; police should enter the property the best way possible weather this means swat on standby to snipe one of the hostage takers when other swat members breach this Is up the officer in charge but if is believed the hostage isn't safe you should act immediately to secure the hostage. If the hostage seems to be okay and some what safe (not at risk of being shot immediately) it is the Negotiator's Job to make sure he reasons with the hostages takes according weather that be immunity out of the area for this case the subs area or a payment of 3500 or something else that is reasonable. However, asking all the swat & officer to leave isn't reasonable and doesn't secure the hostage safety as they could easily shoot the hostage and leave, as long as the demand is reasonable and is thought to be reasonable by the Negotiator it should be fulfilled. Effetely the negotiator is the man in charge in the situation unless somebody of a higher status states otherwise.
Payments/Demands & fulfilling them:
Money should be handed to them once request to secure the hostages safety as long as the payment request follows law 4.5. Demands depending what they are and if they are consider reasonable should also be done immediately effetely securing the hostage safety. If their are multiple demands and multiple hostages attempt to take a hostage in exchange for the demand being fulfil however, no action should be taken if they don't want to that only if the hostage isn't safe according to the things listed above.
Receiving the Hostage:
A hostage should be received at the safest point possible so weather that be before the hostage takers leave or after always consider the hostages safety. For example, if the hostages takes agree to let you take the hostage before they leave always do so carefully by that I mean make sure swat are ready in-case anything goes wrong and as soon as the hostage is out get the hostage behind a car if possible make it the swat van or a house that is unowned as you are simply performing your duties making it lawful to be on that property . If the hostage takers refuse to let the hostage go before they have safely left also make sure to be careful entering the building as they may have placed an explosive if so and it is timed yell for the hostage to present himself and immediately leave the building and call the appropriate emergency services (firefighter). Always make sure the hostages presents himself before entering the building. Make sure Swat are to enter the building first and followed by high ranking officers if possible no more than a set amount enter the building to prevent issues.
Entering the Building:
I briefly touched on this in the previous paragraph but I will explain in detail here. For this example, I will be using subs and the diagram below, and assuming at this point the hostage takers have left in their cars which were identified by police. The negotiator should at this point not enter the building unless it is absolutely necessary as he upholds the most information regarding the hostage situation. Swat should enter the building via the backdoor (in this situation their is a backdoor) and should before breaching yell to make anyone inside aware they are entering and yell stating the hostage should make himself present to reduce the chance of anything going wrong. After swat have breached and they have entered the building 3 high ranking/trusted officer should follow swat always behind swat. These officers should be picked by a supervisor. After the hostage has been received and safety secure e.g. take the hostage back to the police department for questioning & swat should follow the car taking the hostage for up most protection and only after the police car taking the hostage and swat have moved out the perimeter should be removed and officer should return to patrol.
The vehicle description should be given to dispatch along with any other viable information e.g. names, clothing, black/white, colour of clothing and number of people involved. Information should be collected from the hostage and the negotiator and should be used in the best possible way e.g. police computer. Further question should take place basically making sure the hostage isn't a target if so measured should be put in place to make sure the hostage is safe.

Thanks @LordTyla for the image