Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

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Suggestion Topic: New Rule
Suggestion Description: We currently do not have a chop shop rule.

A few years ago, following an incident I was made aware of where a player succeeded in a bank robbery, got caught, then officers force withdrew their money and deleted it, as this then led to issues where certain officers who can’t just “delete money” we’re catching bank robbers and forcing them to transfer the money over to them, or attempting to stack tickets onto the player to otherwise nullify the bank robbery profits. I made a suggestion to prevent officers being able to force withdraw money from the bank robbery. Now, I’m not aware that this has been done with chop shop at any point, but someone’s going to try eventually. I am hereby proposing this rule:

5.X: Chop shop:
Police may not force withdraw money gained from successfully completing a chop shop mission.

Why should this be added?:
- Keeps the act in accordance with the Bank Robbery rule, stops police from pocketing the money for themselves after catching a chop shop guy.

What negatives could this have?:
- Depending on how you look at it, cops won’t be able to pocket money from people, which will affect their illegitimate income I guess?

This is already not allowed, forced withdrawals allows cops to search storage containers, it does not allow cops to pressure individuals to transfer bank robbery or chop shop profits.
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