[Suggestion] Bank Robbery rule addition.

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

Your version of the rule:
5.5 Robbing the Bank

For players to help other players rob the bank, they must be part of the bank robbery by gaining an arrest warrant at the beginning of the bank robbery. Players that fail to gain an arrest warrant from the bank robbery may not assist with the bank robbery. All players must be present in the room outside the vault when the drill is placed. Hostages may not be taken during or before a bank robbery. Police may not force players who are arrested after the bank robbery is successful to forfeit the cash given to them by the bank robbery NPC.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

The cut of the cash given by the NPC Is laundered, Meaning, Police can not directly prove that the cash was gained by bank robberies. An officer could use this to there financial advantage and keep the money for himself.

The fact staff allowed them to remove the money in the first place is beyond fucking retarded, the cash has been laundered meaning it has gone through many complex stages in hiding these transactions and a simple f6 with no rp to it allows them to find this out? sick 1, absolute aids rp sit. This rule should 100% be put in place.
Whoever thought of doing this is a retard. Completely dumb thing to do.

Should be disallowed right now.
Happend to me one time. This was and still is against rule 5.2. They couldve easily took 273.998 for themselves.
Don't rob the bank in the first place that's illegal idiots
Honestly if they do it just make an IA, they have literally no grounds to take the money IC as it has been laundered, therefore they can't actually trace it back to the bank robbery. It's essentially theft, because after it has been laundered, where's the evidence it came from the bank robbery?
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