Russian Mafia

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Faroe Islands
"The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office."

Russian mafias can be regarded as highly bureaucratic organizations with low documentation but very high power distance, highly centralized and giving out very low decision making power to its members. They have strictly defined rules and clear line of reporting. It can be considered as a highly vertical structure. They have a special thief’s code that they have to abide by under all circumstances. Some of the rules listed in this code are;
  • Not have emotions
  • Forsake his relatives
  • Help other thieves by both moral & material support
  • Keep secret information about whereabouts of accomplices
  • If caught, take blame for someone else’s crimes thereby buying time to escape & remain free
  • Demand an inquiry & judgment by Council of Thieves if conflict arises between thieves
  • Punish any offending thief as decided by the council
  • Understand thieves slang known to most hardcore Russian criminals
  • Never gamble without being able to cover your losses
  • Teach criminal way of life to youth with potential
  • Not to lose reasoning abilities when drunk
  • Make good on promises given to other thieves
  • Never deny his war status directly
These rules clearly lay down what is expected of a member of Russian mafia and his conduct both on and off the job, since the mafia do not have specific office or shift timings. It covers the culture, the values of the organization as well. Though they may not have any distinct vision or mission statements, they are clear of their goals and work towards them, with anybody coming in their path being terminated. They also have a grievance redressal mechanism, which indicates how highly developed and organized the Russian mafia are as an organization.

Rank Description:​
  • Pakhan: The ‘boss’ or the ‘Kresti otets’ is the ‘Godfather’ & controls everything. The Pakhan controls four criminal cells in the working unit through an intermediary called the ‘Brigadier’.
  • Sovietnik: The councilor or the advisor and one of the most trusted people of the Pakhan.
  • Obshchak: The bookmaker, who collects funds from the Brigadiers and bribes the government; he is another one of the most trusted people of the Pakhan.
  • Brigadier: The brigadier is the ‘Avtorityet’ or ‘Authority’ is in-charge of a small group of men called a brigade (Bratvahe assigns jobs to the Boyeviks and pays his tributes to the Pakhans. 5-6 Boyeviks and Shestoyorkas comprise a brigade.
  • Boyevik: Literally means the warrior, they work for the Brigadier. They have a special criminal activity to run. They are also in-charge of finding new members and paying tributes to the Brigadier.
  • Kryshas: Literally meaning roofs or covers, they are cunning & violent individuals employed to protect the business from other criminal organizations.
  • Shestyorka: Associates to the mafia organization, often playing the role of an errand boy being the lowest rank in the mafia.
Members of the Russian Mafia:
Maxim Lazovsky | @GrassKlipper
Classified due to safety reasons.
Classified due to safety reasons.
Classified due to safety reason.




World over, the Russian mafia may be regarded as a threat and as a danger, but they indeed make a great case study for organizations. Their organization structure and ways of managing personnel are worthy of drawing a lesson or two from, if one can take it with a bit of salt and may be some pepper too!

Applications can be found at;
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How original..
You forgot to set transparent colour on the AK47 picture in your.. Logo...
Apparently you're all thieving bastards..
Join this org if you're shit at CSGO..
Cyka Blyat Idi Nahui..
Not communist, ph -support.
Hope this doesn't turn into a big powergrowing mess, the only thing is why application? Who applies for a Cosa Nostra?
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