Safe drug dealer for Sweaters

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Description of the idea: I suggest adding a drug dealer in a safe location, specifically for new players/sweaters. This drug dealer would be located in a more public area, where muggings aren't possible, and only accessible to players with <72 hours of playtime. I think we all hate mugging at the drug dealer enough as it is right now, but for a sweater to get mugged for all the money they just made? Nah, not having it.
My suggestion is that an NPC is added (or edited) to function as a drug dealer solely for these new players. An example could be Safety First, where they already sell drugs (as in medicine like painkillers), where the shop owner or perhaps an additional NPC could be doing a little side business, dealing with the "new gangsters" in town. Or perhaps add some shady guy standing inside one of the gas stations (most likely in the city, since that's probably where new players will frequently be).

Why should this be added? (pros):
New players aren't discouraged from playing because they instantly lose all the money/drugs that they just worked on getting, after already having a nearly impossible time defending themselves from all the old players that want to raid them.
Add any pros you have in mind in a reply

What negatives could this have? (cons): [
People using alt accounts to safely sell drugs
Players with >72 hours of playtime using sweaters as mules to sell their drugs without any risk
Add any cons you have in mind in a reply

*Other additions: N/A

*Images: N/A
Honestly, it’s pretty sad that this has to be suggested. For years we have had the unwritten rule that you don’t mug or raid sweaters. It’s something that has been looked down at. But recently I have personally seen it more and more. And the saddest part is that staff members are doing it too, something I thought they would also look down on...

This could be one way to make sure new players can start earning money without being mugged. But, even if this is added, they can get mugged in other locations or even raided. So maybe we as a community should stop raiding and mugging sweaters, and then implement either a rule or a in game feature making it impossible too.
Maybe, still this won’t stop them from getting mugged or raided. As people for some reason mug people when they already have enough money..
I agree it's sad that a suggestion like this has to be made, but at the same time, I don't want to start adding rules or features that limit criminal actions too much. If sweaters cannot get raided/mugged, I'm certain some people will find ways to use that in their favor. Technically they can also do that with this suggestion, but it's not exactly some massive change, just a slightly reduced risk.
As far as getting us as a community to stop doing it, we all know there are people that'll outright refuse, and just mug/raid everyone regardless of whether they're a sweater or not.
I wouldn't consider myself that "new" but I'm definitely not a really experienced member (12 days gametime).
I got killed 3 times in less than hour and half around the drug dealer trying to sell my drugs with the excuse of getting raided or just camped mugged.

Massive +support, some people are dickheads and it causes massive negativity
Another problem that rose up recently more and more are people refusing to change due to the benefits and older players going to sweater clothes etc, it was respected and only a very few went back to those clothing, yet nowadays you see more and more of them aswell, it became harder to see who is a sweater who isn't but when u come across them, it is usually very obvious and you just give him his stuff or leave it for him to find back
Why can't we just make it against the rules to mug players that you would recognize as new. Have a line of text above their head appear when you hold a gun as a civilian near them that just says "New Player". And that text would last for like 7 days playtime in-game. Enough to get them introduced to the gamemode without losing everything in two minutes because some bloke with 15 million wants to camp DD. Just a quick thought.
Make the default sweater restricted to new players, once you change off it you can't change back to it or something like that.
@Exnem I disagree with u there, 7 days is a lot but as in a lot and the money you would earn with that tag is insane I would keep it to 72 hours as within that time if u get introduced correctly u already can earn a shit ton of money
Mugging sweaters is indeed cringe.

Make it against the rules for older and experienced players to purposefully disguise themselves as newer players e.g. dressing up as a sweater, changing clothes to default.

Players who actively mug new players despite being told then and there they are new need removing.
How about we go back to the good old days of unifying with other large / larger organisations, regardless of who they are and what relations you have to them, to zerg and destroy people who mug new players?

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