#Save the sweater vests

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Topic: Save the sweater vest.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Create a randomly generated clothes
- Have the clothes become with in a 2000 dollar price range for the clothes

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
As me and probably many of you have at least made fun of a sweater vest.We may have killed one.As we know that sweater vests are really good at heart just they don't know to play the game and want to shoot them some times.What this will do is make it so that sweater vest are not ignored.Yeah we may be mad at them for being "SCRUBS".As this would stop people from making fun of them.This would make the community a little bit better because we want the community to grow and making sweater vests mad may make people not feel welcome.This will create a better friendlier community to noobs.

Optional additions:
- There are no optional additions
- I just want to the save them.
- # Save the sweater vests
Just asked @StephenPuffs about this and apparently Fredy did not want this upon the v2 release, sweatervests show us exactly who is new and exactly who to look out for. It's a sad stereotype but it encourages people to change their clothes and develop their own roleplay style. I don't think this should be changed, people choose their own face upon joining but their clothes are this well renowned sweatervest, personally due to reasons I just stated this should stay.
Well, mostly run them over with 120MPH+ because they like walking on the highway.

But yeah, random clothes for newbies... it doesnt make any sense, i will keep run them over because they will keep walking in the highway, punch my car, park their vehicles middle of the road...
We gotta deal with it. Also, dont feed the Sweatervests.

Nothing will save Sweatervests unless they learn to read Laws and Rules.

This idea is pretty pointless in my opinion

But i think i will keep it Neutral

Only Staff can save their arses and tell me "Why i found his body in the PD if you ran him over in highway?"
I get your point, but like some other's said, when someone is new to the server other's can recognize them as new players i think this is helpfull for people that wanna help new people out or report them when they broke a rule.

As stated by AyJay, wearing the default clothing is a way to recognize new players. If you are nice, you won't raid, mug a sweatervest simply because they are new to the server. When they start enjoying roleplay more, they can change their clothes to no longer be a sweatervest. It should stay like it currently is.
I dont think this is a good idea. The sweaters shows us staff whos new and help us keep an eye out for them along with allowing us to easily know who to say welcome to when you see new players :)
I know when I was staff I would over-watch the Sweatervests simply because they tend to cause issues, because they don't know the game rules and game mode. It may be a stereotype, but it's so god damn useful when it comes to moderating.
I think this idea is pointless to be honest, and in fact can actually be a negative thing. Like pretty much everyone has said so far, it is a way to recognise new players and even if staff can check, players ought to know as well. It just makes everyone life's easier.

Lets say you're mugging a new player (without sweater vest) then they just sit their and complain and beg not to do it. So they start off breaking 3.4, then they move to 3.26 etc. etc. Then they report you for taking ALL their items, next the staff member explains that it is allowed and they shouldn't carry so much around.
Bam, they rage quit, they suddenly don't like the RP on PerpHeads.
With the sweater vest most people wouldn't want to mug them and they will carry on building their RP and rule knowledge. Eventually, they join in with big raid RP etc.
That way, everyone is happy and they all get a fair chance.

Just in case you didn't realise, its a -support from me.
Instead of #Save the sweater vests, why not #BringBackTheOldSweaterVests
  • Just asked @@StephenPuffs about this and apparently Fredy did not want this upon the v2 release, sweatervests show us exactly who is new and exactly who to look out for. It's a sad stereotype but it encourages people to change their clothes and develop their own roleplay style. I don't think this should be changed, people choose their own face upon joining but their clothes are this well renowned sweatervest, personally due to reasons I just stated this should stay.

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